Chapter 28

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Nightjar awoke from his strange vision with a deep, violent breath. Her empty lungs were gasping for air. When she opened her eyes, she realised that she was leaning on her side. Maple was with her, sitting up with his head bent forward, holding one of her hands with both hands. He was worried but now reassured that she was up and he took her in his arms after Nightjar had sat up, straight, her head still woozy : "I thought I'd lost you for good on that one Nightjar.

- Why ? she asked, I was just sleeping.

- Not that, believe me. You started to stir in your sleep suddenly and then all of a sudden you stopped moving, he explained, loosening his grip, I measured your pulse and you weren't even breathing for 5 minutes. I shook you but you didn't even react. I thought you were dead for a moment.

- Well, I'm awake now. Since I'm half a mudwing, I can stay apneic for a long time. But I'm fine now, I assure you, Maple.

- Nightjar...

- What's the matter ?

- You're wagging your tail a lot.

- So what ? she replied, looking at her own tail, which was indeed wagging reflexively.

- Nightjar, I know you well enough to know that means something is bothering you", he explained, taking her hand. "I'm such a bad liar" she reproached herself. She didn't answer him, her actions saying more than her words.

"Does this have anything to do with Crystal ? Maple began again.

- No it doesn't, she said, unable to look at him.

- Please, Nightjar, this is no time to hide things.

- I'm not hiding anything from you.

- Then could you explain to me why you said 'someone must perish' in a super creepy voice before you suddenly woke up from your sort of... coma?"

Nightjar didn't respond to this remark. She wanted to tell Maple about her dream but he would never believe her, that's for sure. How could she explain the fact that it was only now that she was seeing strange visions ? Her beloved didn't seem angry and, on the contrary, he was looking at her, preoccupied with what was going on.

"So what's bothering you ? he asked, still calm and worried.

- You'll think I'm crazy.

- You're not the type to make up stories to make yourself look interesting. So go ahead, I'm listening. I'm a good listener and you know that very well.

- Well, she began hesitantly, I had a vision.

- What do you mean ? he continued, blinking rapidly after a silence.

- I'm like my father. A seer.

- A seer. That...

- I don't have any silver tears under my eyes, I know that, she cut in, drawing the non-existent pattern under her eyelid, I suppose it's because I'm a hybrid.

- No, what I mean is that it's great ! he exclaimed, We're going to have a clearer idea of what we're going to have to do now. We're in a hell of a mess and we've finally got a chance to get things moving. Sorry, I'm... I'm overreacting. What kind of vision did you have ?

- I saw Crystal burned alive in front of Coyot, who made no attempt to help her. It was even he who ordered her death.

- Well that is not so great though, he commented, not very enthusiastically, Did that hurt ? How do you feel ?

- It was a unique experience, even quite exciting to live it in hindsight. But there's a slight problem. I don't know whether I should see a hidden message in it or not.

Wings Of Fire (WOF) : A dark family affairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora