Chapter 22

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Nightjar didn't expect to see the half blue sandwing again any time soon. The half nightwing was paralysed, like a dragonet that had just been caught doing something stupid. This time, the blue dragoness was wearing some jewellery, notably gold earrings and fine gold chains symmetrically attached to her forehead. Judging by her other colleagues, with their more sober accessories, she seemed to be the leader of the group.

The half mudwing pulled herself together to adopt a more imposing stance, but also to prepare for the worst. Their opponents had landed on the ground and had nevertheless created some distance between them. However, they were not aggressive. The leader even had the luxury of sitting down. This welcome was strangely peaceful. Was it self-confidence or a bluff ? Nightjar couldn't tell. "How have you been since our little encounter at the inn ? asked the leader, serenely.

- I'm surprised you're worried about us, replied Dandelion.

- I'm sorry it had to be under such circumstances. We didn't even have time to introduce ourselves properly. My name is Crystal.

- You shouldn't... began a sandwing with orange spots on its scales.

- Hush your mouth. I do whatever I want", she said authoritatively, without even turning round. Her eyes, facing them, were evasive and Nightjar noticed that Crystal was anxiously tapping one of her claw on the stone floor of the roof. And yet, Nightjar remembered well that their interlocutor, when they first met, was totally different. From a confident and relatively arrogant dragoness, strangely nervous and welcoming seemed to best describe her current attitude. "She must have something on her mind".

Crystal looked at Nightjar, still without a word. The rising sun that illuminated her accentuated the bright orange colour of her pupils. Strangely, she had a feeling that the dragoness was keeping certain things from her. Unfortunately, Nightjar couldn't tell whether her guess was the truth or pure fiction. "What do you want from us ? resumed Maple.

- I, Crystal said, offended, should ask you the question. Why are YOU here ? What do you want to know about us ? I suppose you know that there was an appointment there, she tried.

- Indeed, confirmed Dandelion.

- We heard some things, continued Nightjar.

- May you be more precise, please ?

- Big things probably, she said without taking her eyes off the bandits facing them.

- We will have to run away, whispered quickly her green companion.

- I know", she replied. Indeed, having assessed the balance of power between the two groups, Nightjar concluded that their only solution was to flee, even with two flamesilks that only herself could manipulate properly. What's more, there was a good chance that the group they had spied on earlier would arrive as reinforcements at some point.

"Don't you dare gossip in front of me, Crystal alerted with a loud and assertive voice before clearing her throat, I am pretty sure that I'm right when I affirm you are aware about the terrorist attack we are planning isn't it ?"A silence followed these words that went away with the wind. She continued after sighing. "I always loved theater, she continued.

- What ? said Nightjar, taken aback.

- It's the most beautiful art in the world, continued Crystal, The actors know what they are, what they have to do and what they will do, and all the spectators have to do is admire them. Admire the world. Admire the change. Admire the characters. Everything is written in advance for the pleasure and entertainment of everyone". Her tone became more threatening. "But... what actors hate the most are annoying spectators, especially when it's only the first act. They hate spectators who disrupt the flow of the story. Spectators who disrupt the natural order of things.

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