Chapter 6

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Nightjar was unconscious for what seemed like an eternity and yet a short time. It was impossible for her to determine how long she had been in complete darkness. She became aware of her surroundings by hearing and touching. She felt a cold ground under her body, which was completely stretched out and Nightjar heard the vague sound of distant voices echoing in her head. She couldn't make out clearly what was being said and opened her eyes with difficulty. The hybrid expected to be blinded by the sun but instead she saw the faint glow of a torch on a wall not far from her.

"By the 3 moons, where am I ?" she wondered in a low voice, lifting her head still a little stunned with difficulty. She didn't know where she was. What she saw around disturbed her. She was in a small room completely made of smooth stone and open to a corridor. Opposite was a similar open room, empty, with chains on the floor. There was no sign of the outside world, not even a plant. Everything was gloomy and emotionless. There was no particular smell and the air was cold enough to freeze her neck as she took a deep breath. She was suffocating in what seemed to be an underground passage.

As she surveyed her surroundings, Nightjar thought back to moments just before she passed out. The chance encounter with Reed, the strangers, and the violent blow to her chest. She no longer had pain in that area of her body but she remembered exactly how much it had hurt her.

Nightjar decided to rush towards the corridor, hoping to find a way out of this situation but she was held back by her legs violently, fell on the hard floor and at the same time her tail touched the ceiling which seemed to be relatively low. "Ouch !" she pushed in pain. Turning her head with difficulty, she saw chains, itself hanging on the smooth floor, holding her down. "So I'm a prisoner now." It was not glorious for the new beginning that she hoped would bode well.

No sooner had she looked at her chains than she heard a mocking laugh coming from her right. She looked away from the laughter and saw another dragon that looked her age from the size of it. He was covered in light green grass-like scales with a set of darker orange and green spots dotted around his neck while his chest was a bright yellow as was the tip of his medium-sized snout and below his eyes with rectangular shapes. On his head were two lower horns above his eyes like branches that extended. The same horns were found at the end of his skull and a larger, more imposing one with a light green shade tinting to a brown of tree bark. The spectator of the fall opened his eyes, revealing pure yellow eyes, to look at his victim.

He was trying to recover his seriousness, and crossed the eyes of Nightjar who was too tired to put him in his place. "Sorry, really, justified the stranger, it was really tempting to let you do it. Listen, if it can comfort you, I made the same as you when I came here".

Seeing the look of her interlocutor resembling her captors, she stepped back and got into a fighting stance. "What do you want from me, you're in league with the other hivewing, right ? Nightjar threatened.

- Wow, wow, wow. Take it easy. I'm your cellmate if that makes you feel any better." As he spoke, he showed, by rising his front wrists, the chains he too had around them.

- How long have I been languishing here ?" she asked, her head still a little wobbly.

- Several hours probably. By dint of remaining here to do nothing I have slightly lost the notion of time, he accentuated, The hivewing you were talking about must be the big guy who brought you back while I was sleeping. What's his name again... Nightjar stood up before answering quickly.

- Hornet, instinctively calling out the name of the offender.

- Yeah, that's right. I'm surprised you know him.

- He's not a good friend neither someone I know. I heard his name by chance.

- So, I refuse to believe that it is by chance, or you were really lucky, guessed the leaf green dragon, This big muscle doesn't look like it but he's very clever and with Foeseeker they form an unbeattable duo when tracking. It's almost impossible to hide when dealing with them.

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