Chapter 62: Safe and Sound

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Yuno sped into the dust filled area. He had seen the flash of bright purple light coming from the giant mech and witnessed the explosion.

"YUKI!" Yuno shouted.

"Yuno, stay with the group!" Ikki shouted. But Yuno ignored her, jumping onto Mango.

Now he flew with Mango towards the fallen parts of the mecha, avoiding any pieces of fallen buildings and metal parts. He shouted for Yuki, Mako, Bolin, anyone, but the area seemed dead.

Yuno held back a sob, trying to stay strong. He felt that he had cried enough, been too scared, too terrified to do anything without Yuki's help. He landed Mango on the flattest ground he could find, jumping off.

"HEY!" he shouted into the dusty air, "ANYONE THERE?"

Yuno tripped over a few spirit vines. He was surprised to see that they were still intact after the explosion. Yuno gripped the vine, leaning down to it. He could hear faint whispers coming from it.

"Hello?" Yuno murmured, "C-can you help me find someone? I-I can't find my friend. She might be hurt."

He pressed both hands to the vine, biting his lip in frustration. Sure, he could communicate with the vines, but Yuno still hadn't figured out the semantics of it. From his frustration, Yuno set fire to the vine, green fire bursting from underneath his hands.

"Help me find my friend," Yuno said with a shaky voice, "Please."

To his surprise, Yuno heard a hiss. Vines were shifting underneath him, moving towards a specific direction. Yuno stared at them, hearing the soft rustle of something in his head. He scrambled to his feet, running in the direction of the vines.

"Yuki!" Yuno shouted, looking around the darkened alleyways. He clambered over a several arm from the mech, heart freezing once he saw a figure in the dust.


Yuno ran towards her. Yuki was leaning against the walls, feeling her way through, slowly walking. She lifted her head up, squinting.

"Y-Yuno?" she mumbled.

"Yuki!" Yuno ran towards her, just stopping short of throwing himself on her. "A-are you okay?"

Yuki chuckled hollowly. She reached out one hand to Yuno, leaning heavily on him. "So we got rid of the mech..."

"I see that," Yuno said, looping her arm around him. He tried to help her walk, but something was wrong. "A-are you... okay?"



"Turns out, we aren't immune to spirit vine energy blasts."

Yuno stopped walking. He felt Yuki slump against him more.

"Wait, wait, wait." Yuno said, his voice shaking. He settled Yuki down, leaning against a smoke-stained building. He lit up a flame of green fire next to them. Yuki's other hand was pressed to her side, something dark staining her hand.

"I'm pretty sure it took part of my side." Yuki said through gritted teeth, "But I think Mako and Bolin are fine, somewhere."

"Spirits!" Yuno whispered shouted, "H-how do we fix this? M-move your hand!"

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