Chapter 31: A Quiet Interlude

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Yuki sat on Xing-Xing. She had just arrived at the North Pole, alone. The cold winds bit at her cheeks, and she shivered, wrapping her warmest blue coat tighter around her. Xing-Xing let out a sneeze. Yuki chuckled. Even if the sky bison's fur was thick and coarse, Xing-Xing's nose was no match for the cold.

Already, guards were coming into the area. Yuki checked the map, making sure she had arrived at the right area. Desna's instructions were incredibly specific.

I'll meet you at the palace stables, he had said over a phone call. But unfortunately, there seemed to be no Desna in sight. Only a bunch of Northern guards, and one female tribal chief, Eska.

"Welcome." Eska's tone was flat. Her eyes were narrowed into what Yuki always thought of as permanent boredom, lined with purple liner. "Desna asked me to come in his place."

"Oh." Yuki slid off Xing-Xing, giving the sky bison a reassuring pat on the nose, feeling Xing-Xing grow tense. "Is he busy?"

"Quite." Eska seemed to frown, "He is busy at the library, reading to the children."

Yuki couldn't help but laugh, "He's what?"

"It is a new tradition we are trying out." Eska said briskly, already walking towards the palace. Yuki jogged to follow her. "In order to get closer to the public and grow trust between us and our people, we have decided to befriend the children."

"I see," Yuki glanced back at Xing-Xing. She was already being befriended with lots of hay. "Uh, my bags-"

"They will be taken to your room." Eska didn't spare Yuki so much as a dismissive wave. "We will head to the library."

"Won't he be occupied?"

"He is almost done."

Yuki nodded, finally catching up to Eska's fast pace, "Have you already read to the kids?"

Eska's face twisted into one of distaste, "Children tend to shed tears around me."

Yuki smothered her smile, pressing her lips into a thin line, "Ah, right."

Silence resumed between the two. Eska exited the palace out another door, heading towards the inner-city walls, where there were many public areas for citizens to use. Eska turned to one building. Yuki followed her up the stairs, through the deep wooden double doors. The warmth was inviting.

Inside was a front desk with a few smiley receptionists, heads turned towards the main area. A group of children were sitting rather obediently, legs crossed, hands to themselves, staring at a young man who sat huddled on a small stool, reading out loud, a story about three little otter penguins and the big bad tiger seal.

"The three little otter penguins lived happily in the third otter penguin's well-built ice fortress. The end." Desna closed the book, "What are our thoughts on this tale?"

"I liked it!" a little boy waved his hand, "My favorite character was the first otter penguin."

Desna stared at the boy in puzzlement, "The first otter penguin crafted a house out of hay. Were his actions not illogical?"

The little boy clearly didn't care about the logistics of the story. Seeing as Desna was struggling with the children's questions, the head librarian stepped in, clapping her hands together,

"Alright children! That's all for today. Let's say thank you to Chief Desna for taking time out of his day to read to us!"

A chorus of, "Thank you Chief Desna!" followed, as Desna bowed to the group before exiting. Two guards flanked his side.

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