Chapter 52: Her First Love

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"Yuki are you sure this is a good idea?"

Yuki stretched her arms across herself, leaning her neck side to side. One White Lotus sentry stood a few feet away from her, shuffling his feet.

"It'll be fine, Yuon" Yuki tapped the tips of her feet on the ground a few times, "I've been training."

"I don't want you to get hurt." Yuon said, "What will Master Tenzin say if you do?"

"Oh please, there will be no marks or bruises to even see." Yuki flexed her wrists, opening one hand to hold a blue flame.

Yuon still looked uneasy, but he assumed a fighting stance once Yuki settled into hers.

"Ready?" Ikki shouted. She was on the sidelines, agreeing to monitor Yuki's mock battle. Yuki gave Ikki a thumbs up, hearing Ikki shout,


Yuki swung first. Yuon stumbled back but was still able to dissipate the blue flamed fireball that flew his way. He retaliated with his own fire, blasting at Yuki's face. She shifted her stance, taking a hold of the flame he sent, swinging it around and hurling it back.

"I forgot you could do that!" shouted Yuon, diving for cover. Yuki laughed, dissipating the flame before it caught any plants on fire. While she did that, Yuon advanced closer with small jets of fire blades. Yuki held strong, stepping back, and jerking her head to avoid his punch. On instinct she ignited blue flames along her left arm and swung another punch. Yuon blocked it, attempting to trip her with a sweep of his leg.

Soon both of them collapsed with Yuki eventually stumbling and Yuon, on instinct, catching her fall.

"That's enough for today," he groaned and flopped onto the ground. Yuki chuckled, tightening the long ponytail that hung behind her. She wiped the sweat off her brow, holding out a fist to Yuon. He fist-bumped her, still weary.

Yuki stretched her legs out, reaching her arms to the tips of her toes. She paused, glancing at her left arm stiffening at the sight. Usually she was better at controlling the flames, able to keep them from singeing her clothes. But now her arm had burned through the jacket she wore, revealing the ugly array of scars from underneath.

She grasped that arm with her other hand, but a part of her seemed to recoil at the feeling of jagged lines under her palm. Quickly she looked around, heart settling when she saw Ikki skip over with a new jacket. There were no questions asked, just a simple draping over her shoulder and a tight hug.

Yuki glanced at Yuon. The young man was invested with looking at the sky. Maybe he did look. Not that it really mattered.

The scar hung as an eerie reminder of everything. Something that was still unaddressed, still unspoken for. There were nights that Yuki tore at her own arm, scratched at them, drew a clear line with her nail where the scar began. If she could just sever it, then everything would be fine. She could live with one arm, surely.

It had been three weeks since Desna last visited. Yuki was starting to count the days before his arrival. She had a couple of weeks left, but something anxious stirred inside her. She had called Desna a few times, but his times were short, and he was always exhausted.

"I wish you were here," he kept saying to her.

Yuki mulled over his words, still unable to tell him about the university and the classes she was excited to take. It seemed cruel of her to tell him over the phone. Guilt danced on her shoulders each and every day.

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