Chapter 3: Lies of a Nonbender

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I was running. That was how most of my days started now. That is, if I entered the streets of Republic City. I didn't mean for it to happen, honest. The day I went out to give dad his forgotten file was the day that tumbled into a course of events that I would've never anticipated.

After my fateful escape from gang members, members of the Triple Threat Triad of all groups, apparently some people had been watching. Nosy people. Gossipers. Street-based rumors flew, that's what Mako told me. And boy, did they fly.

Rumor was that a nonbender girl took down about five men twice her size, with no bending. But the rumor evolved, and now they knew my name too.

"Miss Yuki!" I turned another corner, trying to yank up the collar of my jacket higher. But the reporter saw me, waving his stupid notebook and pen at me as he tried to match my brisk pace.

"If I could just get a statement from you-"

I stopped my walk, turning to him, "Look," I said, visibly annoyed, "I get that you're just doing your job, but I'm really not interested."

"Just a sentence," pleaded the reporter, "You're big news! A nonbender taking a stand towards the bullies! Think of the publicity this could have for the nonbenders."

"That's great!" I said brightly, already backing away, "But I'm sure you could find someone else to speak."

The reporter frowned at me. Another one was trailing behind him. Gee, they swarm like flies. "Aren't you on the nonbender's side?"

"Sides?" I shook my head, "There are no sides to this."

"Then, what do you stand for?" The reporter had his pen and paper ready, eagerly waiting.

I sighed, already exasperated. If he wanted a story, then fine. "Peace and harmony for Republic City, that's all. Taking sides won't help our situation. There, happy?"

The reporter smiled, scribbling down my words, "Thank you!" he said cheerily, "If you don't mind, can we take your photo-"

"Pass." I said icily before turning around and storming off. The reporter had already gathered a swarm of people to crowd around us. I pushed through the crowd, seeing nonbenders and benders alike, staring at me. Half of them I thought were trying to size me up. I kept my gaze lowered, shoving my hands into my jacket pockets. I even wore my black jacket to try to blend in, but it didn't seem to work.


I was already far away from my moped, once again. The reporter followed me for blocks. Thankfully, Pok ran tight security in his shop, no matter how dinky it looked. My moped was safe. My sanity? I couldn't say the same.

The train station was less packed. I made my way to a empty seat near Fire Lord Zuko's statue, slouching in it. My legs stretched out as my back popped in a satisfying manner.

"Tired?" I looked up to see Mako leaning against the statue.

"Is that any surprise?"

He smiled, plop[ing down next to me. "Sorry about that," he said, "All the attention you've been getting."

"It's nothing for you to be sorry about," I shook my head, "It's... no one's fault."

"Are you kidding?" Mako rolled his eyes, "It's the gang's fault and you know it."

"If you really think about it, he was just doing his job."

I laughed at Mako's expression, avoiding the slow punch he aimed at my shoulder.

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