Chapter 21: Angry Spirits All Around

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Awkward greetings were exchanged between Unalaq and Tonraq. The brothers were definitely not on good terms. While the air grew colder around us, I trailed back to my own family to walk with Gran Gran into the village. Soon after we settled in our rooms, I ventured out to the festival grounds, already lit up and bustling with people.

Mako met me at the entrance.

"Hey, where's Korra?" Mako followed me into the festival.

"Left her with her family for now," Mako explained, "Thought they might need some time together."

I nodded, peering around at the colorful booths. "Were you uh, waiting for me?"

Mako shrugged, pockets shoved in his coat, "Sort of? I didn't know where to find you so I figured if I waited by the entrance, someone familiar would show up."

"And so she did," I paused at a booth selling custard hard candies. "Wanna share?"

We wandered around the fair grounds for a while, popping the custard candies in our mouths.

"So, Korra's family seems nice." Mako said, breaking the silence.

"Are you referring to her actual parents, or her uncle?" I asked, stopping at a stand that was selling penguin plushies.

"Er, both?"

I glanced at Mako, "Liar."

Mako sighed, "I'm just trying to be positive."

"My goodness, are you actually trying to instill hope in the relationship between north and south?"

Mako half glared at my words as I giggled. "It was awkward being between that. You and I both know that."

"Sure, sure." I handed the merchant some money and hoisted a penguin plushie in my arms. "But I wouldn't dwell on it for long, Mako. That family has been complicated for a long time."

Mako hung his head, "Ugh, more family feuds."

I patted his shoulder, "Cheer up, I'm sure Korra appreciates your efforts in getting to know her family." I looked around. "Speaking of family, where did your brother go?"

"Uh, he said something about Asami needing to meet with... V... Varrick, I think his name was? He went with her." Mako said.

"Varrick?" I repeated the name, "Asami's asking Varrick for help with her company?"

"Uh, I guess." Mako sounded unsure, "Who's Varrick, again?"

"Varrick is one of the richest men in the world. He controls the entire global shipping business." I tapped my chin, "It would make sense for Asami to ask him for help. He'd be her biggest asset right now. Knowing his eccentric personality, he probably doesn't care about her father's... reputation."

Mako and I walked around for a little bit more before people started to head into the large banquet hall for the feast. I found my family already seated and went to join them. Already, dad, Aunt Kya and Uncle Bumi were arguing with each other. I chose to sit next to Gran Gran who was holding baby Rohan.

"How are you holding up, Gran Gran?"

She gave me a smile. "I've watched them bicker since they were just as small as Rohan. I can handle another night of this." I smiled and picked up my fork.

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