Chapter 19 - New Special Exam

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The sports festival ended in mid-October, just at the time when the cold started to lighten.

A general vote was held at the school to decide who should be the next council president.

After the election results came out, a ceremony was immediately held for the new student council president

"Now it's time for our former president, Horikita, to give you his final recommendations."

After this speech by the presenter, Horikita Manabu approached the microphone on the stage.

Manabu: I am both happy and proud to have led the student council for 2 years. I would like to thank everyone

After his short speech, Manabu calmly walked off the stage and replaced himself in the section where the council members were.

There was no emotion in his words, as if he had fulfilled his mission.

Of course, the ceremony is not over as far as this.. and the members of the council stood upright beside him, and did not break their hoardings.

"Council president Horikita has worked hard for your future. We thank him again. Now it's our turn, our new council president, class 2-A, Miyabi Nagumo."

Miyabi Nagumo, the new president, stepped forward and stood in front of the microphone.

Nagumo: I'm Miyabi Nagumo from class 2-A. Mayor Horikita, I am grateful to you for the work you have been leading so far. I'm proud to be here. I also owe you a debt of gratitude for accompanying someone like you who has been a great leader in school history....

After these words, he bow towards Manabu. Then he turned back to the students.

Nagumo:....Let me introduce myself to you again. My name is Miyabi Nagumo. I'm going to be the new student council president of this school. Thank you for your interest.

Nagumo: With your permission, I'm going into the subject. I will lift the restriction on the number of students who can work in the student council. Thus, everyone who is considered talented and necessary will be able to join the council, regardless of whether there is a vacancy or not. If you think that there is someone who should not be on the Council, I will organize a general vote to remove them from their positions. I will make my start with an ambitious statement to you. Dear friends, students, teachers, former council members gathered here : if you say how the school's system will be in the future... I guarantee that I will work for the good of the school by abolishing all the rules established by former council presidents

He was saying such harsh words that he seemed to ignore all the values of the former student president standing behind him.

Nagumo: I guarantee you that there will be a revolution in the future. Strong students will be able to reach the top, if they are weak, they will hit the bottom. I will literally turn this school into a meritocratic system. Please show me what you can do

Hmm??? Well, any kind of will be disadvantageous for our class

It was the end of an event and a lunch break. We were in the middle of the second period.

We went back to class, I sat in my usual place

Ike, Yamauchi and the Professor(Sotomura) were talking in a corner as a group. Ayanokoji and Horikita were talking behind me,I think Horikita was insulting Ayanokoji as usual because of his loneliness, she had a sarcastic attitude

???:Hey hey,Kazuki-kun....

I looked in the direction from which the sound came,a girl had approached me.

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