Final Dates

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Lauren's pov:

Everyone was sort of reeling from the fact that not only had we made it into the finals but that we had lost four people in one night. I knew that most of the girls were already missing Anna and Harley as they were good friends in here. 

Couples split off to talk together leaving Tommy and I at the fire pit. Tommy grabbed my legs and put them over his lap as I leaned on my hands. Tommy looked at me "I never expected to come in here and find my love." 

I smiled "me either. I just can't believe we idiots are still here. Like what are the chances of that?" Tommy just shook his head indicating that he had no idea. 

Tommy pulled me closer to him and into a hug "listen we're here, and now we get to enjoy every single day without worrying about new people or other things." I nodded because he was right, all of us could really just sit back and not worry. "I can't wait to get on the outside with you. Honestly. You're gonna see, if you think I'm thoughtful in here or whatever, you don't know what's coming on the outside. You really don't. I'm looking you dead in the eye, you don't know what's coming on the outside." 

I laughed "oh god." 

"I'll literally send a guy to deliver a thousand roses to your door." I smiled and kissed him knowing that he was definitely going to keep his word. We all headed to get ready for bed and I removed my makeup and brushed my teeth before climbing into bed with Tommy. 

The lights were the same as always blinding which caused me to curl further into Tommy. 

I walked outside in a white bikini before sitting on the couch in the kitchen marveling at how many people we had lost the night before when a phone dinged

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I walked outside in a white bikini before sitting on the couch in the kitchen marveling at how many people we had lost the night before when a phone dinged. Greg pulled out his phone "Amber and Greg it's time to set sail on your final date. #makingwaves #allatsea" 

We all moved to help Amber and Greg get ready before seeing them out of the villa. All of us just hung out as they were on the date before they returned happy as can be. It was then that Maura got a text "Maura and Curtis, it's time to get ready to leave the villa for your final date! #facethemusic #forbiddenfruit" 

Once again all of us helped them get ready and I could tell that both of them were excited before we saw them out of the villa. They came back later as we were all getting ready and Maura seemed so fucking giddy that it was amazing. 


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