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I was actually relatively calm as I sat in front of the cameras which was weird for me but I kind of knew what to expect as my brother had been on here in 2016. I had a mic strapped to me as the producers started to ask me questions.

Name, age, and where are you from?

"Hey I'm Lauren Bowen, I'm from Wolverhampton but I currently live in Manchester and I'm 20

What do you do for a living?

"I am a beauty consultant"

Do you speak any languages?

"Yes, I speak Spanish, Italian, and English."

How would your friends describe you?

"My friends would describe me as fiercely loyal and protective. Honestly they would also describe me as a little bitchy especially towards people that I don't like."

"My brother tells me that I'm extremely hard to read and I've been told that I have a bit of a poker face especially in emotional situations so it's hard to tell what I'm feeling."

What are you like in relationships?

"I am extremely loyal, jealous, protective, very affectionate, sarcastic, sassy, and very straight forward if I like you or I see something I want I go for it. "

"I am also arguably a little clingy and cliche especially when it comes to the date stuff and cuddling. I like to know everything that's going on, I mean I hate being lied to that's just a good way to get me pissed off."

What are you looking forward to in entering the villa? What are you nervous about?

"I'm looking forward to meeting all of these people and maybe finding love. I'm most nervous about getting along with people and not treading on toes too much."

"I'm also a little worried about the fact that I know this is filmed so the public is going to be judging me so I definitely have to be careful. I also worried in terms of judgement about the other islanders because I can be very poker faced."

What are you looking for in a guy?

"Someone who can have fun but can be serious when needed. I also love the idea of someone who can banter, take a joke, but can also be serious."

"I'm also really big on respect so if you don't have the respect for me to you know talk about me behind my back or buy into lies then I'm not interested."

"Someone who isn't a player, kind, and friendly. Also someone who has a nice personality. Finally, someone who isn't afraid to tell it like it is as I am an extremely blunt person already."

Will you have any loyalty to the girls?

"Considering that I'm going in as a bombshell probably not at the very start considering that they are already coupled up and I do want to possibly find love but after yeah definitely I am very much a girls girl."

Any turn offs?

"People who cheat and people who have no respect for people's feelings or relationships."

"Also people who are fake and tell you one thing but do another." 

What would your friends and family say your best feature is?

"Oh that's tough as I've heard so many different things. I guess the one's I hear the most are my eyes, hair, teeth, and lips."

What were your previous relationships like?

"Oh god. I've only had one and it was a four year relationship that ended with him proposing to another girl." 

Are there any things that you can think of that might be cons in a relationship because of him? 

"Oh yeah, where do I start. I mean one, he made me feel like i was delusional because he would lie, I would call him out and then he would sweet talk his way out of it." 

"Other than that it's really just trust issues which have gotten better." 

Coming in as a bombshell are there any guys that you have your eye on?

"I think it's too early to tell but so far I'd say Tommy." 

Finally, what are three words you'd use to describe yourself?

"I'd say probably athletic, independent, and confident."

I finished the interview and filming the introduction video and the producer looked at me "alright, let's get you into the villa." I nodded before heading to the villa in the car trying to calm my nerves and not freak out which I knew would not help me in the slightest. 

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