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Lauren's pov:

I was still trying to understand what in the world had just happened between Jordan and Anna. I stood at the bar in front of Anna as I looked over at all of the guys who were sitting with Jordan. I shook my head and spoke to Anna "breathe. Breathe. Do not let this get to you, OK? You are so much better than this and him. He's an idiot. A class-A prick and an idiot. Do not raise your voice now, it's done."  

Anna started to cry as Belle hugged her. Amber looked at her "Anna, please." 

"I look like a complete idiot." Anna sobbed into Belle as I sighed. "I said yes, I said yes to him. It's been two days. And look what he's just done in front of my face." 

Maura and Lauren: The man is an absolute dickhead. Like what the fuck. 

"After everything I've gone through, why are they even sitting there with him?" 

I shook my head in confusion as I had no idea what to fucking say about why all of the guys seemed to be listening to him. I watched as Tommy got up and came over to us "I'm not siding with him and I'm still your friend. I'm just trying to figure out what the hell happened." Belle hugged Anna again as I nodded to Tommy before walking with Anna to the couch inside. 

I still can not fucking believe Jordan or any of the guys that are sitting there and being all chummy with Jordan still. 

I looked back at Anna before Amber came in saying "Curtis told Jordan, which is why he's done it, is pull India before you pull Anna because Anna's gonna kick off and then you're not gonna have a chance to speak to India." 

I looked at Tommy who was still next to me with wide eyes because I was not expecting that. I looked at Anna again before heading to the hallway and starting to walk outside. I felt someone grab my hand from behind me and turned to see Tommy who pulled me into a hug. I sighed as I rested my face in his chest "I'm fucking fuming." 

"I know," Tommy spoke as he ran his fingers through my hair making me smile and relax a bit. "Let me talk to Curtis before you go in there guns blazing ok." I looked at him and nodded before I headed back to Anna and he headed outside to talk to Curtis. 

I don't understand what in the heck Curtis is thinking. I mean when you're feeling like something is off in your relationship, you go and talk to your significant other. I mean it's not that hard. 

We all headed upstairs to get ready for bed and I brushed my teeth while thinking of everything that just happened. I slowly crawled into bed with Tommy who immediately wrapped his arms around me making me smile. 

I woke up the next morning thinking that I was losing my mind when I heard what sounded like crying. I turned over before realizing that it was the baby challenge from years before. Me and Tommy immediately go up before heading to the cribs with the babies. 

Anna and Maura came in from sleeping outside and Anna looked at me before saying "I don't want to have a baby with him." I laughed as I looked at Maura and the others knowing that Anna really wasn't going to help. 

Tommy and I headed outside to get away from all of the crying so it wouldn't set our son off. We sat on the swing and I looked at him "so what do you want to name him?" 

"I've always wanted a Tommy Jr." 

I nodded "TJ. Little baby TJ." He started to cry a little and then I realized that he wanted Koda which was in my arms so I handed the stuffed dog to him and he stopped. 

This was definitely not how I was expecting to become parents with Tommy but it might be a good way to see if we can deal with having a kid. 

We stayed on the swings and just remained chill and cool so the baby wouldn't pick up on anything. Anna and Amber came and joined us as Anna spoke: "I'm very happy taking on the role of everyone's baby's aunties, but that baby over there is not my baby." 

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