Tweets and Backstabbers

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Lauren's pov:

I woke up the next morning and basically burrowed myself further into Tommy's arms. I eventually then got up before heading upstairs brushing my teeth and doing all of that. I then got dressed in a marble colored bikini before laying on a pool chair outside. 

I was talking to Amy and Lucie when my phone went off and I read it for everyone "islanders, it's time to find out what the public really think in today's challenge

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I was talking to Amy and Lucie when my phone went off and I read it for everyone "islanders, it's time to find out what the public really think in today's challenge. #breaktheinternet #buzzing" Everyone either cheered or groaned but I had a feeling that this challenge was going to cause some drama. 

We all stood in our couples as I stood in front of Tommy with his arms around my waist. Lucie and Anton hosted so they were going to read a tweet with the name blanked out and we had to guess who it was about. Anton read the first one "blank and blank would look good together." 

Everyone guessed before Anton pulled the paper off to reveal the names Tommy and Lucie which made my eyes widen. We kept going and there were some interesting ones before we got to one that Lucie read "blank is absolutely punching when it comes to blank." We all guessed before it was revealed to Tommy and me which I could feel annoyed Tommy a bit as he tightened his grip on me. 

It took another couple of minutes to get another one as Anton said "this one comes from Lauren's older brother Alex." I just sighed but nodded anyway "blank better watch out for blank's head to turn." I sighed as it was revealed to be me and Tommy again. 

Seriously Alex, what the fuck? Now I'm wondering if he's seeing something that I'm not. I can't exactly ask him but it has to be when Maura first came in. 

We finished the challenge and I could tell that it had ruffled a lot of people's feathers as Tommy went off with Curtis. Anna and Amber dragged me for a chat at the fire pit. Amber looked at me "what did you think about those tweets?"

"I really don't know," I sighed as I sipped my water. "First I think that neither of us are punching. Second I have no clue what that tweet from my brother is talking about. It's possible he's just talking about Maura when she first came in but coupled with the tweet about Lucie I'm wondering if he's seeing something that I'm not." 

Anna sighed "that boy adores you and would never do anything to hurt you right now on purpose so trust him and figure out what your brother is saying later." I nodded as I hugged the both of them in thanks. 

I really don't know what I would have done without Amber and Anna right at this moment because I was starting to get lost in my mind a bit. 

❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🤎 🖤

Tommy's pov:

I was pulled by Curtis after the challenge to the day bed, I was still a little stunned at the tweets. I looked at Curtis "what the hell?"

"I don't know bro," Curtis shook his head in disbelief. "I don't know." 

"How on planet earth do they think that something is going to happen with Lucie?" Curtis just shook his head again as I continued my rant "I don't think either of us are punching. Plus, what the bloody hell was that last tweet?"

"I don't know," Curtis sighed. "But what are you going to do about Alex?"

I sighed and looked at her talking to Amber and Anna "there's nothing that I can do from in here but prove him wrong." 

"Then prove him wrong." 

I smiled at that "oh, I intend to." 

That night as we all had gotten ready I knew that I had to talk to Lucie about the tweet then I had to talk to Lauren. I watched as Lauren walked out in a black dress that made me gulp. 

I wasted no time pulling Lucie after pecking her

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I wasted no time pulling Lucie after pecking her. I pulled Lucie to the fire pit "look, Lucie. Lauren has no problem with us being friends just there are lines and boundaries. I mean obviously we didn't start off being just friends and Lauren has had it happen in the past where one of her boyfriends best friends was the girl that he cheated on her with." We finished our conversation as I watched Curtis pull Lauren for a chat in the snug bit. 

I felt bad for telling Lucie that but Lauren is the most important person in here for me right now and I have to think about how she's feeling. 

Lauren came to pull me for a chat after her talk with Curtis and she pulled me to the fire pit. I sat next to her as she asked "how are you feeling about the tweets?" 

"Obviously not great," I spoke being completely honest with her. "I think that me and Lucie idea is nuts and not happening. I was annoyed by both your brothers tweet and the punching thing." 

She laughed a bit "I don't think either of us are punching but as for my brother's tweet the only thing I can think of that it would be about is the Maura thing when she first came in." I nodded at that because she was probably right "as long as you make me happy he'll approve of you plus we don't know when that tweet was it could have been as the Maura thing was happening." 

She was right. I was relieved that she seemed to trust me when it came to the Lucie thing. I was also happy to see that she didn't think that we were punching. As for Alex's tweet I think that I just need to continue making her happy which I intend to do. 

Lauren: I'm glad that he's sort of reiterated that the thing with Lucie is not happening. I think that the tweet my brother sent was from when Maura first got in here so his opinion might have changed but I hope that it continues to change. 

I hugged her close as she leaned into me. She spoke to me "I don't care what those tweets said. I'm happy right now with you." 

I smiled "me too. You are the most important person in here to me." She smiled and cuddled further into me "I want to make you as happy as can be." 

Next Time: 

Tom's second and final mistake

Maura goes off 

And a surprise dumping 

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