None of that mattered, I just wanted her to relax. I had waited so long to have her be mine, I was excited to put a big beautiful ring on her finger. I set out orange juice along with the pancakes and bacon. I placed the plates along the island counter and waited by the coffee machine with my cup of black coffee and sugar. I was interested in what she would want to wear and what she would show me today. Parts of her body I didn't notice before were bound to be highlighted.

When she walked into the kitchen, I was not ready. I took one look at her, ready to rip that dress off. I felt like the air was taken from my lunch. The dress had long sleeves that flared out with a had a deep v-neck. The dress came in at her waist, then flaired out with a tiered kind of layered look. It was white with bold roayl blue floral patterns, highlighted with lighter blues. It was stunning on her. He breasts poke out more than usual.

She had been conservative about her chest and skin around her breast. Yet today, when it was just going to be us, it felt like she was showing off for me. I couldn't be sure. Her hair was parted to the right and tucked behind her ears. Every outfit she wore brought out every feature. The blue complimented her skin and brought attention to her pretty brown eyes. The fabric looked so soft and easy to rip off. Her legs were so long and silky. I averted my eyes from her chest. It was too much of a turn-on. Everything drove me crazy.

"Hi," she said with a quick wave.

She seemed a bit uneasy under my gaze, but this time, I preferred it that way. She sat down at the chair, looking hungrily at the food before her. I came over and sat next to Jada to enjoy another meal together.We spent the next few moments eating in silence. I could hear her lips smack a couple of times. She tended to smack her lips when lost in thought. Normally, I would be annoyed by it, but with her, I didn't mind so much. She relaxed more and wasn't so hyper-focused. Our forks occasionally scrapped at the plates until both were done.

"Why do we need to buy me a ring," She asked me.

"We both need rings. It's tradition, a sign we are taken," I told her.

She kept her mouth shut as her brain tried to process everything. The way her eyes slimmed and the eyebrows furrowed as she processed what I said, I loved to just look at her. Simple as it was.

"You look stunning today. So sexy, baby girl," I tell her as I watch her face light up.

She tried to hide it, but it was useless. She was blushing at all my compliment. She enjoyed everyone I showered her with It only encouraged me more. She would mumble thank yous or turn away tryingn to ignore me, but that only had me wanting to do it more. I couldn't understand her shyness, but I let her be. If I started touching her now, I'm not sure I could stop.

"Let's go," I say, taking her hand in mind.

We headed through the front door and out to the Escalde, waiting for us. The new all black Escalde was a far cry from my older, smaller vehicle I was using. I was happy to finally have the upgrade, more space. We sat next to each other, a small distance between us, the middle seat. It stayed very silent. I would look over, and she would be watching the road go by. The sun shinned on her, like the heaven hand picked her. Her skin glowed under its warmth, and her eyes glinted with gold. I had wondered how I had gotten so lucky to have laid eyes on her. I wanted to marry her sooner rather than later. A honeymoon together, some place sunny so I could see her in a bathing suit or swimming in a clear ocean. I would spend so much time learning her body, memorizing everything that made her tick

"Quit staring," she said, never peeling her eyes off the road. I let out a chuckle at her demand. I looked elsewhere for the moment, but my eyes soon found themseleves back to her. I couldn't peel my gaze away most time. After about an hour we pulled up to jewlers. They were very familiar with me and the families, so I expected to find exactly what we needed. I opened the door hearing the distinctive ring. A low bell rang.

Beautiful in JadaWhere stories live. Discover now