Chapter Twelve

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Onceler POV

I woke up to the sun and fish singing to see Yn curled up in my arms. Wow. Her eye is bad. I wonder if it hurts as much as last night. I can't get out of bed because my arm is her pillow... she is cute sleeping... I thought as I brushed her hair out of her eyelashes. She stirred and opened her eyes, and the smile that grew on her face was breathtaking.I could feel myself getting red. "Morning.." I said, but then covered my mouth when the morning voice came out. Yn looked at me shocked, but was even more red than me.

"Holy shit your voice is deep!" She said as she rolled off the bed.

"Are you ok?!" I said after I cleared my throat to get my normal voice.

"Yeah I'm fine but I didn't know your voice get low like that Jesus!"

"Yeah... heh."

"What's for breakfast I'm starving?" Yn said as she put on her clothes and opened the cupboard. "Oh yes!! Pancakes!!" She cheered as she pulled out the mix. I smiled as she started to get the ingredients to finish the batter. It's good she's not talking about last night... I want to know if she's fully ok tho. The eye proves earlier that night was a shit show... but later...

"Do you... want to talk about...."

"Last night? No I don't. Not yet at least. I'm glad you care tho."

"Y-yeah of course that's what I do. I care..." My face was red again. Damn she is good at making me break like that I thought as I watched her flip the pancakes. Suddenly, there was a knock On the door. Yn look at the door with a look of terror. "Who is it?" I called as I quickly put clothes on and grabbed my axe, just in case.

"Open up beanpole!"

"Beanpole? I gave you that name!" Yn said as I opened the door to find the Lorax standing there. "Yes? What do you need you fluffy meatloaf?"

"I want breakfast. So do all of these." He said as he stepped aside to show all the animals.

"Oh.. I'll make more batter then!" Yn said without a surprised tone. "Also, thank you for your care of the trees Lorax! You truly do a wonderful job! Especially right by the river!"

"You know him?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh no, We learn a shit ton about him when we were in school, so it's cool to meet him."

"Thank you lady. Any sells on the thneed?"

"Oh no it's ahead of its time..." I said as I put my hand behind my neck. Suddenly, rumbling and shaking started to happen and I watched Yn grab the pancakes and she darted over to me.

"W-w-ha-at-ts go-oi-in-ng o-n?" I asked as we heard chanting. We all ran outside my house and saw a massive crowd of people coming towards us. "Woah. That's a LOT of people." The chanting was getting louder and louder. The repetition of 'everybody needs a thneed ' started to get to my head and I forgot all about the pancakes as my smile grew bigger and bigger.


The chanting was so loud and with the amount of people I had lost the Onceler in the crowd. The Lorax grabbed my hand and I looked at him and the look of anger and sadness was written all over his face. He then pointed towards the crowd and I saw the Onceler crowd surfing in money. "Oh yeah! We're in business baby!"

I realized that this crowd was my cue to go inside, as I could feel tears coming back. I ran inside and started to cry. The Lorax had followed, and he started to comfort me. I didn't know why I was crying, but it felt nice. "You have to try and stop him, Yn.. he's going to do bad things if you don't."

"Stop him? From what?" I said through my confusing tears.

"He's going to want to get bigger."

Onceler at Night// Onceler x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now