Chapter Seven

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Y/N Pov

Jake didn't come back all night. I assumed he had gone and gotten drunk with his friends like he usually did after fights. All I could think about was the Onceler. Although he was initially rude, I kept my belief that he was a good person. It seemed like he was trying to make something of himself by starting a business. I would have to go back to see his business once it started up.

Maybe I could get to know him better. He seemed sweet, and he did look concerned for me when I was on the phone with Jake. He was trying to hide it but I could see the worry in his eyes.

My mind drifted back to Jake. I knew he wasn't the one for me. I just hadn't worked up the courage to break up with him. I was preparing to leave him for a while, but I was terrified of what would happen if I did. As I've said before, Jake never got physical in fights. But I was dreading the day he did. I thought he would for sure today, but I guess not.

My mind played out all the break up scenarios and all I could do was try to close my eyes and sleep. The tears came again, and soon I had sobbed myself to sleep. 

Onceler at Night// Onceler x Y/Nजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें