Chapter Eight

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Onceler POV

I woke up the next day laying against the little stage that I had set up my guitar last night. I definitely slept on my neck wrong I thought as I sat up and stretched. A wave of nausea swept over my body. Shit. I can't be sick now! I need to do this! Fuck I feel like I'm going to vomit. No I got to keep going... I pray I make it. "Well, let's begin." I told Melvin, as I strummed the chords. "Everybody needs a thneed. A fine thing that all people ne-" that was when I saw yn, staring at me as if she was holding in laughter. Then it hit me. The smell of a rotten tomato and the goo running down my face. I could feel myself getting red, so I quickly wiped off the tomato "hey! What the hell!" I yelled out as another one got me straight in the mouth. I could feel it sliding down my throat, and I knew I was going to be sick so I sprinted to the bridge and as I ran, I heard the laughter of the crowd that had started. I luckily made it to the bridge before everything I had eaten in the past day had managed to escape my body. I kept throwing up, then suddenly I felt a hand rub up and down my spine.

"It's going to be ok." She said. Her voice was sweet, and sounded like yn. I turned to see if it was her, but then I felt the vomit come back. I quickly turned back towards the creek and threw up yet again "Just let it all out."


"Yep. It's me. You made quite the show back there."

"They don't understand how much the thneed would help them! If only the-" I threw up again and yn went back to rubbing her hand up and down my spine.

Y/N pov

"Wait. Why did you follow me? And why are you helping me?" He asked as I walked him home.

"I don't know. I felt like you probably needed help after seeing the shit show back there. Also I needed fresh air, and a reason to come to my spot."

I opened the door to his house and placed him in the bed. I was like a mom who was tending to her sick child. I could feel my face burning up, but I couldn't do anything about it. "I guess stay here till you feel better... I can't believe one tomato in the mouth made you this sick. Your immune system is shit I hope you know."

"Yeah... thank you for bringing me home."

"Sure. I'll head out now." I said as I got up and started to walk away.

"Wait!" He said as he grabbed my wrist. "S-stay for a little bit. Please?" His face was redder than a cherry. I don't think he knew what had just happened. I didn't know either.

"O-ok. I'll stay for 5 minutes."

"Thank.... You" He was out like a lightbulb. I stayed beside home for 5 minutes, then left.

Onceler at Night// Onceler x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now