Royalty Part 2 (#62.First Meet)

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When the human queen and king left the meeting room, 12-year-old first born of the giant royal family, prince Alaric, was standing by the door, watching them intently. They stared at him with surprised eyes that widened in recognition, and his fears were basically confirmed. Whatever agreement the humans and his father had come up with, it involved him.

The giant king strode out of the room not long after, until his piercing eyes caught sight of his son. The king's expression hardened.

"Were you listening in?"

"No, father." Alaric lowered his head. "But I could not help but wait for your return, since you had told me about the meeting with the humans today."

Alaric looked up at his father expectantly, not wanting to admit the dread that was building up inside him, and mustered up courage to ask:

"May I know if it had anything to do with me?"

"As a matter of fact, yes." his father answered content. "You have gotten yourself a new toy."

"What do you mean?"

"The human princess will be given to you until you both reach the age of maturity. Once that is done, we will start the marriage arrangements."

Alaric felt his heart dropping to the ground, yet he could do nothing more than bite the inside of his cheek and bow his head in agreement. He knew better than voicing his complaints to his father.

After all, the last time he did it, the consequences were too much for him to risk going through it again.


Which brings Alaric to the current matter at hand. Quite literally he thought, as he held the small princess in his hand.

"Do whatever you want with her" his father had told him before Alaric entered his bedroom with princess in tow.

And thus, the prince found himself alone with an unconscious human and an embarrassing dollhouse set up right on his nightstand. Quite the predicament, he thought to himself as he sighed and slumped against the chair. He spared another look at the princess, glancing at her peaceful, sleeping face. He did not even know how she came unconscious, only that when he set the glass cage on the table, he saw her laid down in its corner and passed out.

Alaric looked at the minuscule dormant princess on his hand and marveled at her small size, poking at her head. He knew humans were small, but he had never seen one so up close before. Everything about her looked delicate and fragile, as if a single blow of wind could make her fly out of his grasp. He took a closer look at her silk lilac dress, her long, honey brown curls of hair and the half up braids that formed a tiara around her head. He did not get a chance to see her eyes yet, but Alaric found himself stunned by her beauty. Upon feeling the heat on his cheek, however, he abruptly settled her down on the desk and looked at the ceiling.

Just what was he going to do with a human living in his bedroom?

How bothersome.

His thoughts were cut off, however, when he heard the little princess groan and twitch. She was waking up. He inched closer to her, looming over her form and filled with curiosity.

Her emerald green eyes shot up and looked directly at him.


Estella gasped and clambered away from the giant, looking up and up and up at his massive face. She started shaking, short of breath and darting her eyes across all directions to locate her whereabouts, but each side she looked there was blue fabric surrounding her, making her painfully aware of the giant's existence. There was one thing her frantic mind managed to process, however, she was in a room alone with him. Her heartbeat accelerated and she gulped down a whimper, taking her eyes away from his and sealing them shut.

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