Royalty Part 1 (#52.Royalty)

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The sun shone its last rays of sunlight as dusk approached and the isolated but magnificent castle was covered by the shadows of the night. The flames from the palace's chandeliers shone a dim, warm glow. Estelle's room, however, barely lit up from a single, flickering candle light. It used to be a space of comfort for her, a cozy privacy to read her books and forget, even if for a minute, of the daunting tasks of being a princess.

But at that moment, not even the countless, shimmering books in the shelves could distract her from her thoughts, nor could the fluffy blankets she currently found herself under hide her from her inevitable fate.

Estelle, although merely 12 years old, knew of the confinement that awaited her. She had dreaded something similar would happen to her in the future, with arranged marriages and whatnot, since such negotiations are common in the life of nobility. But no number of lessons and tutoring could have prepared her for what she would endure. She gulped back her sobs, to no avail, as tears streamed down her face.

That night, she would be given away to the giant kingdom.

The human king and queen entered the colossal palace. No, colossal was not enough to describe it. Its perimeter extended across so many yards that it surpassed the human kingdom's territory size, and its towers stretched so far above that the clouds covered their tips. Climbing up hundreds of stairs, the royal couple reached the meeting hall, in which they had to be lifted by a giant servant's hand in order to reach a marble pillar made specially for such rare occasions, located right in front of the giant king's throne.

The king resembled more a beast than a man. So monumental was his stature, the human palace would not be able to reach his knees in height. Broad in build, his torso acted as a natural wall between him and the royal couple, between his abundance of power in comparison to their lack thereof. Layers upon heavy layers of expensive-looking robes made from bear fur hid the athletic physique that led the giant kingdom to be so feared and admired by its neighboring nations. A long, gray beard cascaded down the immense man's chin, and his equally grey, short hair was almost completely concealed by the glow emanating from the jewels of his crown. His sharp, narrowed eyes glared at them with disdain, as both humans struggled to hold their gaze.

" The terms of peace have been decided." - the giant's voice boomed in their ears - "as I impede myself and my men from invading your paltry kingdom, you shall hand your daughter's hand in marriage towards my son, prince Alaric."

The king and queen held their breaths. Their heart thrashed inside their chest, but both maintained their posture firm.

There was no other way.

" Your majesty, your terms have been agreed upon," – the human king started, gaining a subtle yet perturbed glance from his wife. – "but both our children are still too young for marriage, according to giant and human customs. How are we supposed to let our daughter marry your son?"

The gigantic king contained a smirk.

" Your worries will not be necessary. Your daughter is to live here under prince Alaric's custody until they reach the age of maturity."

The king and queen could not contain their widened eyes or the sweat dripping on their forehead. A heavy feeling set in their guts. The giant's thundering voice reverberated through their bones.

"Your daughter's hand in marriage, or your kingdom. It is your decision, your majesties."

A soft knock came from the door. The queen opened it to find her sobbing daughter laying on the bed. Estelle did not have the strength to dry her tears. Her mother's heart sank. She could not consider herself worthy of being a mother, guilt settling deep into her mind. Her only daughter, cruelly robbed of her life for the sake of the whole kingdom. It was the right thing to do for their reign's survival, the queen knew it. However, nothing could lift a mother's burden of willingly giving away her child.

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