"That's how....I have to do a lot of assignments....almost every week," I replied.

"Then my faculty is easier"

"More or less like that....have you decided which club you want to join?", I asked.


"Umm...you didn't....oh....you just came last week"

"I haven't joined any club, but Boss and Nick are in the basketball club"

"You don't want to join the basketball club too?", I asked.

"I'm different from Boss and Nick phi, Boss is always traveling to take photos, while Nick is more busy with his online games, as for me...."

Fort put down his spoon

"I have to help my father at the company," he said.

"Oh! So you're always busy?" I asked bluntly.

"More or less like that, but don't worry naa, I always have time for phi ☺️"


"Thank you"

"I am not praising you khun Fort Thitipong Sengngai"

"Phi!!!", Fort suddenly exclaimed.

"What, angry?"

Is he angry that I mentioned his full name?

"I.... didn't expect phi to remember my full name"



"I-I don't...."

"I understand phi....but anyway if phi wants to launch an attack, give me a little warning...if phi keeps doing that...I could have a heart attack"

"I told you... I...."

"ok khrub.... I understand, I understand"

"I really...!!!"

"Yes... yes... Phi just happened to say it right, how is it? Is Phi feeling better?"

I know you are secretly satisfied Fort, ahhhh Peat!!!


Why do you have to be so stupid?

Why did you have to slip up like that?

See now..... his mouth is smiling so much that I think it's going to tear soon

"eat phi...", he said

"if I eat and gain weight Ana will nag me"

"Who dares to nag Phi, I will scold them?"


"I'm not afraid...to protect phi, I'm willing to spar with someone who never wants to lose like P'Ana"


To Be Continued

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