Chapter 43: The Company We Keep

Start from the beginning

Customer 3: Disgusting thing, should be taken outside and shown its place!

What I was hearing was getting my blood boiling. Blake made her way to me. She saw how pissed I was getting and for the first time since the scroll incident, she actually spoke. 

Blake: You hear what their saying?

Y/n: *Gritted teeth* ...Yes...

Blake: This is what Faunas deal with on a daily basis. The leaders and headmasters of the kingdoms claim that we're free and welcome....

Y/n: It's a funny definition of "welcome"....

Blake: ...Why do you care? You've been hunting and killing any White Fang you see, why do you care what we go through now?

I looked at Blake completely taken aback. Does she think that I target the White Fang because their "Helping" Faunas? It would make sense, since she always makes jabs at me for going hardline against the White Fang. Blake was expecting an answer and I was about to give her one.

Y/n: Just because I take out the White Fang doesn't mean that I hate what they stood for.

Blake: Then why-

Y/n: Because the White Fangs values have been perverted and twisted beyond recognition. If the old leader was still in charge, things would be different. Instead we have Sienna Khan as the leader and to say that I'm not a fan of her is putting it mildly.

Blake shut up, weighing my words. I told her as clear as I could what I thought of the White Fang. It's not like I go out of my way to specifically kill anyone wearing the mask, only the leaders who have a extensive rap sheet. Any of them that get in my way after that shouldn't have been trying to shoot me or otherwise attack me. 

Blake never got a chance to finish before a employee walked up to us and asked me a fatal question....

Employee: Excuse me sir, is this "thing" bothering you?

I took a slow, deep breath to keep myself from snapping. I knew this type of shit happened. Seen it plenty while I was out working but I've never been brought into it like this. I took a quick glance at Blake to see that she was still standing tall, glaring at the employee. She was about to say something when I spoke up. 

Y/n: No, she's not bothering me but could you help me?

Employee: Of course!

I pulled out the trapped scroll. It was still brand new so it would fetch a good bit of money as well as teaching these assholes a lesson in respect. I took another glance at Blake to see her amused by what I had in store. looking at the scroll they had in selection, it was a slightly older model than the one I was trading in so it would be covered for the most part by store credit. Might as well kill three birds with one stone. 

Y/n: I'd like to trade this in and get this one. 

Employee: Wonderful choice, sir! It's one of the older models but its durable and reliable!

We walked to the check out, I handed in the trapped scroll and got the new scroll. I still had 200 Lein of credit left but they can use it for their therapy bill. Blake had walked out ahead. Walking out of the store, I made it to Blake.

Blake: W-why would you do that!?

Y/n: Because those kinds of people give us a bad name.

Blake was stunned for a moment before we heard on the loud speaker the sounds of a dude getting stuffed by womans' meat and very shrill screams from the people inside. Blake looked at the shop, then back to me before the dam finally broke. Blake and I nearly fell over laughing. I had to guide Blake down the road because she was laughing so hard. After a solid ten minutes of laughing, we both managed to calm down enough to catch our breath. 

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