So doomed!

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It had been a week since everyone got together. All were laughing, smiling and happy.

Everything was going smooth like butter and then there were Tae-hyung and Jung-kook, who were living the best part of their life after all the mess they had in their life.

They were happily enjoying everything but still it was Jung-kook who wasn't letting one thing slide down.

' it all happened because of me.'

When at dining table everyone sat at that night after Tae-hyung and Ji-min's marathon. Then Bogum brought up the question of what exactly happened at that time and why did Tae-hyung take such a big step, Jung-kook went all silent because he knew that he had to deal with this situation.

Tae-hyung left everyone for 14 years... That was a long time!

How could anyone let that thing slide down. And somehow Tae-hyung understood what kind of a mess was Jung-kook going through. He could see the guilt and sadness on Jung-kook's face which he wanted to remove anyhow.

He didn't want Jung-kook to blame himself forever because it wasn't totally Jung-kook's fault. It was Tae-hyung too, who didn't understand what Jung-kook was feeling at that time after he came out of his coma. And without thinking Tae-hyung took that drastic step.

" There was a misunderstanding in between us. It's just that I overreacted and went away. I am really sorry for what I did.... It was a very childish thing.... No actually, it was a very stupid thing. And I am really sorry. I-"
Tae-hyung was cut off by Jung-kook, who shook his head saying.
" No... You shouldn't apologize... It was me too... I-I am sorry.... I really was stupid. It was me who did th-"
Jung-kook was cut off by Tae-hyung because if Jung-kook said the truth it would become really messy.

It was a fight between two husbands. It was a misunderstanding between Jung-kook and Tae-hyung which Tae-hyung didn't want to be known by anyone else.
It was their personal family issue.

Everyone was back at last and should be the matter for others.. No one should know something that happened or happens between a couple. Tae-hyung knew that Jung-kook was blaming himself for whatever happened. He got the idea of it when he didn't saw Jung-kook in the living room when everyone was there. He understood that Jung-kook was sad and wasn't able to be around the people who got hurt and broken after Tae-hyung left. He was blaming himself which made Tae-hyung more worried about him.

It wasn't totally Jung-kook's fault. Rather than leaving Tae-hyung should have discussed about it later... But what could he even do at that time? He was hurt too. He was questioned. His love was questioned which made him lose his head.

" No. Please kook. Don't say like that. It  is nothing like that.... It's just that the circumstances weren't good. The situation wasn't good..... Now please, listen to me everyone. Let's not talk about the past ok? I am here now... We all are together now... And bringing the past won't do anything but hurt everyone. We acted childish and me to be more precise.... But let's not talk about it anymore.... Let's just stay Happy from now on. I know the way how easily I am saying this, it won't be this easy for you to let this thing slide but please..... For a good future and present, let's just let the past go. Ok? "

Tae-hyung said making Mrs. Kim nod.

" Yeah.... Let's Forget the past and focus on the present... If that's what makes you happy. " She smiled. Tae-hyung smiled back looking at her, which was followed by everyone's " Ok. Thank god that we are together. "

But Jung-kook kept silent. He still had that guilt in his heart which didn't disappear after a week so Tae-hyung planned something for him to make him happy.

It was evening and everyone was sitting in the living room watching Moana because the children's majority of watching Moana, won.

While Tae-hyung and Jung-kook were in the kitchen preparing snacks for everyone.

" Pup, you got a call from your secretary today, what was it about? "
Tae-hyung asked pouring drinks in glasses.

There was silence for a while as if Jung-kook was thinking what to say. But then he spoke.

" Umm... Nothing just usual. " Jung-kook said shrugging his shoulders while frying McCain's fries.

Tae-hyung nodded but he could feel that emptiness in those words.

He glanced at Jung-kook who was quietly frying the fries staring at them without blinking.

" Baby? Are you ok? " Tae-hyung asked, his voice soft as cotton while concern dripping through it.

Jung-kook kept silent at which Tae-hyung turned to look at him but his eyes widened in shock when he saw how carelessly Jung-kook was taking out the fries from the oil.

He saw Jung-kook looking at front out of the window while taking out the fries and then suddenly the utensil slipped from its place, that hot oil was about to splash over Jung-kook but he rushed towards Jung-kook and pulled him away screaming in horror.

" JUNG-KOOK!!! "

Jung-kook who was totally out of reality came back when he heard his husband scream with a flinch.

As he came back out of his thoughts all he could see was , extremely hot oil pouring down the utensil that was on the floor.

Hearing Tae-hyung's scream everyone rushed towards the kitchen only to gasp lowly.

Tae-hyung was back hugging Jung-kook so Jung-kook could see everything and everyone with wide eyes.

" Oh my God! Tae-hyung, Jung-kook stay away from there! Come out! " Mrs. Kim exclaimed.

Tae-hyung stared at the oil that was on the floor with his heart hammering inside his ribs.

What if it might have got to Jung-kook?

That thought made him shiver.

And without any other thoughts he picked Jung-kook up in bridal style and cautiously walked out of the kitchen because the oil was continuously expanding in the area.

Jung-kook who was still in daze of what happened. He stared at Tae-hyung's face ,who was staring back directly in Jung-kook's eyes. Somehow he could see that Tae-hyung was angry.Maybe because he was careless while being in the kitchen.

He was placed down on his feet and then Tae-hyung started to check him with an expressionless face.

From worried to expressionless!


Good Job Jung-kook, you have made him angry.

" Is he okay? " Mr. Kim asked, worried.

" Yeah... He is. Samantha! ( one of their maids) " Tae-hyung said then shouted one of the maids name still staring in Jung-kook's eyes.

Samantha rushed towards them and asked " Yes sir? "

" Clean it up. Be careful while doing it. And you..... You come with me. " He said and the last sentence was a whisper with gritted teeth which was only heard by Jung-kook, who felt shiver run down his spine.

" We will come in a while. You go and continue the movie.... No one is hurt so just relax. " Tae-hyung said making everyone nod.

" Dad. You aren't hurt, right? " Taejung asked frowning in concern.

Tae-hyung smiled looking at him and said " No my boy, I am fine. Just need to make him change his clothes... There are some splatters of oil on his shirt. "

Then be turned towards Jung-kook and made his same expressionless face.

" B-but I can't see any. " Jung-kook said.

" But I can. " Tae-hyung replied grabbing his wrist and dragging him upstairs.

Shit Jung-kook you are so doomed!!!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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