new start...

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Right now jk was sleeping in the arms of his dear hubby.

Tae was lovingly looking at his dear love, precious , pup, bub and etc. Etc....

He has pecked jk's lips multiple of times in these ten minutes.. And that cute and loving smile never left his face after waking up...

He felt happy, delightful, content, excited, overwhelmed and many more, he was going to start his life with a new starting.... Finally he was going to love his husband the way he wants, maybe, there will be no one to stop him to love jk.... He promised himself to give everything that jk desires.... He will cherish his bub with his whole heart, he will make jk feel proud on him as his husband...

His  lovely thoughts stopped, when he felt shuffling in his arms...
He looked down and saw his kookie cuddling more into his chest... He kissed jk's hairs and hugged him more tightly if possible...

Jk whined cutely  and said in his husky sleepy voice " Uhhhh... Hubby.... I can't breathe~" " Oh my baby can't breathe?!! " Tae asked in his deep and husky voice, which this time jk wasn't able to ignore. He got worst goosebumps and his heart fell into his stomach,But his eyes widened when he felt something, while tae was snuggling into his neck..

He got HARD... HE GOT A DAMNNN BONER........ 😳😳😳

He pushed Tae and ran out of the room thinking tae will not find it... But here Tae was damn shocked.... " He got hard because of my voice? Kiss? Snuggle? Huh? Damn....... Why did he ran away.... I could have helped him ( he smirked while thinking) Cuz I am not like him, that first I'll make him hard without my intentions and won't help him.... Uhhhhh!!!! Why the hell he ran away? " Tae talked to himself....

He shrugged his shoulders and then stood up, to freshen up but smirked, bcuz if his evil thoughts " Ohhh myy pup, you are gone now"

Here jk was jerking off in his rooms bathroom, groaning because of frustration " Uhhhh!!!! I knew this will happen to me.... I really am weird... Like literally... I myself can't understand, how can I get hard because of his voice.... Uhhhhh!!! That's why I hated sleeping with him in one room... But thank god... Everytime he woke up first and I didn't  suffered from this... I hope he didn't saw me... " He finally felt relaxed .....

Opening the door, first thing he saw was his husband standing in front of him  ,he looked at tae from down to top,hands in pocket of his shorts annnddd SHIRTLESS with a sinful smirk.......DAMNNN
he cursed under his breath , gulping hardly and looked into tae's eyes as it was the most safe place to look to keep himself calm, his heart started to race.....

Tae started to move forward with slow and baby steps...

Here jk started  to back off slowly...

Finally jk's back hitted the cold wall and shiver made it's way through his spine....

Tae stopped in front of jk, really close.... To him....

He caged jk by putting his palms on the wall on each side...
Jk looked left and right then straight into tae eyes.... He gulped again... Silence devouring whole area, but heartbeats giving a nervous full vibe...

Tae was looking at jk's  lips and with no time he smashed his lips over his pup's soft and feather light ones...

Tae started to move his lips and within a few seconds jk also started to kiss him back, he wrapped his hands around tae's neck and started to play with his black locks....

Tae felt really light by that, he kissed him more delicately , pressing his whole body over jk....
Jk whimpered and moaned when Tae asked for entrance.... And there you go he opened hi mouth slightly, Tae tasted every corner of his pup's mouth and then after a looonggg kiss. Tae started to trail kisses from his corner of lips to jawline and then Collarbones, jk closed his eyes when he felt his hubby sucking the sweet spots... He was feeling light.... He felt himself numb, he moaned sweetly when Tae started to give him hickeys...
" Please stop me pup.... I'll not be able to control after this" Tae said in his deep voice while coloring kook's neck area purplish...
" Don't stop Tae... " Jk said in his deep and delightfull voice...

Tae groaned at this and got back and looked into jk's eyes, hi eyes were full of love and lust and same with younger's eyes....

He trailed his hands down to jk's thighs... And lifted his left leg jk was looking into elder's eyes doing whatever the elder made him do...

Jk wrapped his legs around tae's torso... And hands around his neck, kook attached his lips with his husband's... Tae started to move to his room while still kissing jk, his one hand roaming over jk's back making circles and one supporting him...

Jungkook was playing with locks of his husband while kissing deeply...

And within no time both were on the bed ,tae hovering over jk... And looking into his eyes with deep lust and love of course...

He leaned down to kiss jk back but.... His bloody phone rang....

Both groaned and ignored it, jk pulled Tae for another kiss.... He was also really desperate..... He has controlled himself a lot when he saw his husband in wet hairs and towel only covering his lower area... He has controlled a lot when he saw his husband in those silk black bathrobes.... He has controlled himself when his husband looked so hot with simple extra size hoodies and extra short shorts....

He has controlled himself a lot....
But not anymore...

But that fucking damn phone of his husband didn't stopped.... Jk got back and said in frustration" Uhhhhh!!! Take that damn phone of yours and throw it away!!! " Tae chuckled at the desperation of his cute husband who was pouting right now, he pecked jk's lips and said " Let it ring! " " No, it's not stopping, what if it's important? " Jk questioned with a little pissed of and angry voice...

Tae stood up and looked at the id
" Who is it? " Jk asked,

" Namjoon hyung" Tae said looking on the phone screen...

"Pick up the call!! What are you thinking? "

"Hmmm" Tae hummed and picked the call.

On the phone
Tae: yes, hyung? Huh! Oh ok... Yeah we will be there at..... ( he looked at the clock which was on his night stand) 12:00 p.m...... Ok... Bye...

By that he ended up the call...

" What happened? " Jk asked little curious

" We have to go at kims mansion... "

" For whT? "
" For planning the wedding ceremony

" When is it? "
" I don't know pup... But maybe soon"..

"So, what now? "
" Kook we are hard right now let's jerk and then after freshing we will go there "

Jk eyes widened and his face got red..
" Yaaahhh!!!! How can you say like that!??? PERVERT.... IDIOT "
" Then what can we even do bub... I don't want this to happen in a hurry!!"

" Yah yah okkk now go into your bathroom I'll get into my room"

" For jerking off, right? " Tae winked while teasing his husband

" Yaahhh you pervert, one more word and you are done" Jk glared at him...

Tae went into the bathroom while chuckling sheepishly...

Jk also went into his room and did what he had to do. after getting freshed up they went to the kims mansion.... It's kind of  one and half an hour ride...

Misunderstandings..... Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum