He left me alone?

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.In the kim's mansion, at same time in night:-

As soon as taehyung left the house jungkook too made an excuse and got into his room.

He stripped himself off and looked at himself in the mirror.

" I'm sorry t-tae.... I-i just thought it.... I-i am a fucking stupid ,idiot that i questioned your l-love.... I-i am sorry.
W-when you will come home, i-i will try my best, and make you believe, t-that i love you. "

Jungkook said weeping then fell on the ground face palming himself to supress his loud cries.

His mind was a mess, he knew he did wrong, he would have talked to taehyung, but he thought everything by himself.

He was waiting for the morning sunrise, so that he can do a new and happy start of their life.


The sun will rise, morning will come , new day will also come, but..... Happy?

He wiped his tears and slept on the bed with a headache.


Next day:-

Whole kims mansion left fair the spot where a  car was burning badly.

Flames high as a building.

The car in which he left for his office, was burning flipped in front of all the family members.

Everyone was crying  badly. Reporters were gathered in a huge quantity.
Because the most powerful BUSINESS TYCOON and UNDERCOVER MAFIA was dead now.

The car was burning and so did jungkook's heart and dreams.

He thought that today he will clear everything.

A new day will come. A day with a bright sunshine. A day which will make everything between them clear and they will be happy.

And, yes.

The day came. The new day with a bright sunshine came. But this day didn't cleared anything between them but made jungkook's life more messy.

He was kneeling on the road, looking at the more than half burned car, still in flames.

He was sitting their lifeless, emotioless, speechless, confused, his mind was a mess.

He wasn't capable of thinking anything, he was just staring at the car, tears rolling down his eyes. If a person at a distance will see him, the person may think of him as a statue.

His breathings were soft, heart was beating at a normal pace. But this heart was of no use now. The person he loved the most was gone. He hurted him, he broke his heart, and now that person was gone. Forever and ever.

Bodyguards were surrounding the whole area, as police wasn't enough to stop the paparazzi and reporters.

Mrs. Kim , mrs. Jeon and jin were crying badly.

mothers lost their son. This pain can never be explained. Brothers lost their younger brother. Fathers lost their son.

On person left, but this broke many people.

Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon with joonie and yoongi, they were trying to find out what happened there....

J-hope and bogum were boiling because of anger, these reporters and paparazzi were making them too much annoyed.

They both were calling different people to find out , how this happened and if it was an accident or a murder.

People didn't knew that he was mafia king, so it may be possible that it was planned!!

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