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Jungkook opened his eyes wide, breathing heavily, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

He sat straight and examined whole area.....

" Pops! What happened? Are you ok? " Tara asked cupping jungkook's face with full concern.

Jungkook was still in daze. He didn't replied back, he was still confused.

He was lying on his own bed, ahile Tara, Taejung and other staff members were in the room.

" What are you all doing here! Go back to your work! " Jungkook said still huffing long breaths.

" But sir, you aren't feeling well, we sh-" A maid who was speaking, stopped at her words when she saw, death glare given by jungkook.

" Ummm, miss sasha! Bring some soup for pops. Make sure it should be spicy. Ok? " Taejung said to the same made, and with that all the staff members vanished from the area.

" Pops. Calm down. Close your eyes and take deep breaths... Hm... Just calm down. " Tara said sitting in front of her tensed mother.

(A/n: Don't get confused when I write mom Or mother, when refering to jungkook as jungkook is their mother actually , as he was the one who gave birth to them, but kids call him by many nicknames, such as, pops, mumma, dada, mom and so on....)

Ok now back to story....

These three ( jungkook and his kids) didn't collaborated with the workers or bodyguards ,often. Jungkook was never friendly with anyone accept Mr. Shaan. And the kids were too LITTLE friendly with him.

These three preferred very less people around themselves, and minded their own business.
Jungkook wasn't like this before, he was a happy and fluff ball for everyone. But after Taehyung's death, he became ice cold, even with family members. But later he started to come into his older self, but only for his family.

It's been fourteen years, but still jungkook loves Taehyung a lot... Like A LOT. it's still usual and kinda regular when he gets wet dreams of themselves. He is still very much attached to him.

Very less people know that Taehyung was his husband. When he died in accident, everyone thought, jungkook was somehow related to Taehyung, but still no one knew that they were husbands. And still no one knows.

Even many people think that jungkook is a father and maybe his wife died or left him, but in actual life he was the one who was a wife to Taehyung, and he is the mother of kids.

It's really complicated to understand his relationship, but he doesn't gives a damn about it, if someone thinks him of a father.

Taehyung was a really important person in his life... No no no.. Taehyung WAS his LIFE. He was at the verge of giving up on himself, but when he got to know that he was pregnant, he got a reason to live , to love, to care for someone.

His kids are everything for him, but still the place that Taehyung has in his heart, no one can replace it.

His family members tried a lot to convince him fir another marriage, but NO. He only said a sentence " No one can take his( his hubby's )place."

His family tried to talk and emotionally blackmail him in the name of his kids, but they too said, that their mother is enough for them. And looking at how jungkook loved Taehyung, kids too understood the bond of their parents and said a stern NO.

These three were really pressurised by the families ( kims and jeons) to have a person in their life, so jungkook convinced his father to open a branch in another country, where he would love with his kids happily with no interference. Mr. Jeon understood his feelings and did what he said.

Misunderstandings..... Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat