It is all well, Maybe?

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Taejung yelled at her and then held her hand dragging her from there, while she had a sad pout adoring her lips.

Taehyung who was looking at his kids passing away. He tried to stop them but Jungkook shook his head and then he took Taehyung inside his room not forgetting to lock the "secret room's " Door.

He then made Taehyung sit on the bed and sat beside him.

A soft sigh left his lips as he placed the pendant around his neck just to groan because of the failure of locking it.

Taehyung saw this and then moved his hands slowly taking the end points of the pendant from Jungkook's hand and locking it.

Tae: what is in that room?
He asked with a calm expression while sitting comfortably on the bed.

Jk: um- nothing special... Um.. Must

Tae: If you don't want then don't say it bub. I understand.
Taehyung said softly, but Jungkook shook his head and sighing he said, " Well... You should know it"

Tae: hmm... So... What's in there?

Jk: Tae~ in these years when... I wasn't with, you... At that time I started to do paintings... And then I ended up drawing ours, so-

Tae: what? Really?! You started to draw? Wow? Our kids paint so well... I wonder how you are in this?! I really want to see them. But- wait! Why do you lock the door then ? Like, why do you hide those from them? Are you insecure... I mean, do you feel that they will judge you?
Taehyung was all excited after hearing that jungkook paints... But how innocent he is to think of the sinful acts, that he draw.

Jk: No... It's not like that... It's just.. Um... Uhh! How do I explain?!
Jungkook was getting out of words. He didn't want Taehyung to see him as a pervert, but he still tried to explain.

Taking a deep breath, as he was going to speak, he was interrupted by a knock.

The duo watched the door softly knock again, standing up from their places, they moved towards the door.

" Um.. I'll tell you later" Jungkook said softly, at which the elder nodded and then opened the door, only to see Tara standing there with head low and a cute pout adoring her lips while Taejung was standing their with his hands fold up to his chest giving a " Apologize to them, or I'll beat the shit out of you " look.

Tara slowly looked up at her parents and then said " Sorry mumma.... Sorry for being a b-brat. I promise that from now onwards I won't disrespect you.. I was just curious to know about what is in there... I'm sorry "

Jungkook smiled softly and so did Taehyung... Patting her head softly jungkook said " It's ok dear.... Ok! You want to see what I do in there, Right! , so I'll show you, after we eat.... Our food may have gotten cold... So let's go and eat and then I'll show you. Ok? "

But she shook her head and said " No papa... There is no need... I don't want to see it anymore... It was just my bratty self, but now, I really don't want to see it... " Jungkook nodded and then pecked her forehead, but still there was a sad pout on her lips, that actually never left.

Then Jungkook looked at Taejung, who still had a stern look, he was taken aback by his son's seriousness, but said further " Angel... No need to be sad... I know you are not happy how your brother scolded you... But you know he was right somewhere... So just don't be sad... Hmm? " Tara nodded giving a soft smile, while Jungkook pecked her cheeks.

" And you baby boy.... You also be well mannered next time... It is not a good way to teach manners to your sister.. "
Taejung nodded.

" Now come hug and apologize to each other " Jungkook said.

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