Chapter 7~ Teach Me

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Above: Marcus Bouchard


     I'm starting to feel a bit like a boring old maid. The entirety of my Saturday was spent alone being entirely too boring for my age. My dad had called and told me that he decided to spend a couple of extra days out of town-- probably fishing or something. Either way, I had the house to myself. I studied for end-of-semester tests, made myself food, watched some TV, napped, and read for a bit.

     Ever since my time with my Aunt Charlotte, my reading habits have changed. News, history, psychology, government, current events, and even very specific conspiracy theorists have made their way onto my bookshelf (I'm still partial to fiction but I've branched out for the sake of knowledge). I suppose all of these things seemed useless until I realized how an investigative journalist utilizes them to gain insight. I would be laughed out of high school if anyone found out how lame I've become. Whatever, I like myself more now than I did before Canada so anyone who thinks I'm lame can shove it.

      Quinn and I talked a bit yesterday too. I wanted to know why Marius had used her phone to call me. She, being an unusually confident and straightforward person, sounded strangely unsure with her answer. Between that and Remi texting me for the first time in forever to check on me, I felt thrown off and suspicious of whatever was going on with those three.

     Remi used to check up on me when I was... making poor life choices and we hung out briefly a few times before I moved to Canada. We checked in occasionally when I was out of the country but it wasn't like we were best friends before I left so we didn't really stay in close contact. He always seemed more mature than I was for our age. He and I had chatted for a while and he kept mentioning something about Marius' family business. I decided I should do a bit of research on his family today. So far, I don't know much about him, but there's always this weird feeling when he's around- like he's putting on a mask and being something he thinks he's supposed to be instead of who he actually is. I don't think his attitude is fake but something about him certainly is. Or I'm just distrusting of most people since my time on my Aunt's cases.

     The fact that I do research for fun is going to be considered one of my red flags someday, I'm sure of it. Knowing things about people feels safer than not asking. For today, It's not like I have anything better to do anyway. Quinn is finishing up homework and my dad won't be home until late. It's been a while since I've delved deep into the research rabbit holes so I am actually looking forward to it.

     First, I decided to take a gloriously hot shower; the good kind where you wash and condition your hair, shave, exfoliate, etc. I know cold water is good for the skin and all that but hot water is good for my soul. After that life-changing shower, I grab a robe to throw it over my bralette and underwear, and get a water bottle from the fridge. My laptop is plugged in on my desk so I have a full charge when I unplug and settle in on my bed. I type furiously into search bars and websites. Everything I've found on the Gray family is legitimate so far, but it's the type of legitimate that makes you question the legitimacy. Things are too pristine. Casinos here, insurance and construction business there. They even have stock and ownership in the energy business. There are a few random restaurants in France they own as well. I guess, looking into it more, they aren't random. The larger restaurants are more posh-looking and bring in a lot of revenue, but there is a little French Bistro that has been in the Gray family for generations. There are stories on a couple of gossip sites that their family used to gather every Saturday afternoon at the Bistro for a meal. Grandparents, parents, children, aunts and uncles. Nothing fancy-- just food and family. A wistful smile crosses my lips, my eyes closing softly for a moment as I think about that scene. I wonder what it would be like to have a family that close.

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