"I'm sorry my love." He said in a soft voice and then looked towards me, "He doesn't wait." He said and cleared his throat, "Victoria you must come with me." He said in a stern voice.

Slowly I grabbed hold of my dress and started to walk towards the door. They didn't have to tell me twice. Once I got into the hallway I looked back to Sheila who had a mixture of emotions displayed on her face. She moved past Ralph and stood beside me, "Come on Victoria." She said and grabbed my hand, "We must go see the Alpha King." She said and led me towards the door. Only then could I see two large men in black suits standing in the large room.

Taking in a deep breath I only nodded as I continued walking towards the door. One of the men opened the door for me, and quickly I walked out. Sheila was right behind me, and Ralph moved to walk in front of me. Sheila held my hand as we walked towards the large hall. And as we crossed the large lawn I noticed how the werewolves watched me with curiosity. Some had amused faces, while others held hatred. But, I didn't allow my emotions to show on my face. Truthfully I was afraid of what would be waiting for me inside the hall. But I wouldn't allow anyone to have the satisfaction of seeing a scared human.

Before we got any close to the hall I looked up to the dark sky, hoping to see a beautiful image to give me strength. But only dark clouds filled the sky, not a single light was there to give me courage. And slowly my head lowered as I looked towards the large hall in front of us.

Two large men were stationed at the door and as we approached they moved aside. The men looked at me with sympathetic and humorous eyes. As Sheila walked beside me, her hand in mine as we continued to walk through the crowd. She looked over to me and nodded only once and with that I looked at the people in front of me, the same way they have always looked at me. I mastered the most dangerous look I could think of as I watched wolves look at me with wide eyes as I matched Sheila's stride, my shoulder back and my hips softly swinging to the side with each step I took. It was something she was telling me to do while she did my make up.

The hall was brightly lit with multiple chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Large tables filled with food and drinks were against the sides. In the middle was the man himself. We were still too far away for me to get a good look at his face, but all too quickly the room silenced into a low growl. Some gasped as they watched us move forward. Sheila released my hand and looked straight ahead as we walked up to the man in the chair. He didn't seem to notice us when we first walked in, but now he did.

His left ankle rested over his knee as he slouched in the large chair he was sitting on. His right hand rested against the arm of the chair, tapping at the wood with long nails. As his left hand held his face up. His black hair was slicked back, and his brown eyes were on mine in seconds. As we walked up he sat up straighter and leaned forward, studying me like I was an important paper. Unlike the other men, his face was freshly shaved with no hint of any facial hair. He had on a deep dark red dress coat that looked like it was about to break from his impressively large arms. His dress pants rested against his shiny black shoes, but it wasn't his appearance that stirred something inside of me.

It was the man himself. Something about him was so familiar that it was so difficult to deny whatever the unknowing fact was. Knowing my luck, it could have been the boy that injured me that one time. But, I didn't allow my head to wander anymore as I bowed my head when we stopped walking. Sheila and Ralph followed my action quickly.

"Luna Sheila, as beautiful as ever." The man said in a taunting tone as she moved to stand in front of me.

"Little brother." She said and bowed her head once more. I tried to hide my shock at that statement. Maybe that is why he looked so familiar, "It's a pleasure to see you, how-"

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