"She isn't running away, Kacchan. From what I gather from her message, it seems that she's using herself as bait to lure the villains away from our school." Midoriya brings his hand to his face as he ponders. "But...how can we get her to come back? You can tell from the message that she's carrying the burden of this whole situation all on her own. She probably thinks that she's the reason that the league attacked us."

"But she not! That's what I don't understand!" Kirishima stands up in a fit, pointing at Bakugou. "But I think what Bakugou's trying to say is pretty on point. She's running away because she's scared of hurtin' us. But that's totally stupid because it's not her fault! Leaving U-A is gonna do more bad than good! And since she turned her phone off, we got no way of tellin' her that. So really what I think we gotta do is head out there and find her ourselves! We gotta tell her that she's got the wrong idea!"

"But, how can we find one person in this whole city? Ribbit," Tsuyu asks, chiming in. "Todoroki-kun said that there was no sign of her at her house. And since none of us have tracking quirks that would be applicable in this situation, we don't stand a chance against her."

"This kinda feels like her versus us, doesn't it?"

"But that's not the case. We just gotta give it to her straight! She's too selfless, she's gonna get herself killed."

"She's probably going out of her way to hide from us, too." Midoriya says. "The police already have a search party out. She must know we're searching for her. And if I've learned anything about her character since I met her - it's that her determination defies science. If she's really hiding from us, we won't find her."

"But that's not enough reason to not even try!" Kirishima complains. "Damn it. There's no way i'm givin' up already. She's our classmate and friend for Christ's sake!"

"...Well the damn teachers suspended all of our classes, so we can't even get promoted to the next grade until they find her." Bakugou jumps in again, calmer this time. "And i'm sure as hell not one to stand around and do nothin'. You're all batshit if you think i'm gonna waste another second of my time waitin' for her to give this shit up. I'll find her myself. Then, I'll knock some sense into her."

"Slow down, Kacchan. I think you know just as well as I do that she's really suffering right now. You can hear it in the message. She's been gone for two whole days and it's cold and wet and she's all alone out there." Midoriya starts reasoning with Bakugou and the others listen closely. "She's not thinking about her own safety, and it's dangerous. She's trying to do the best thing for us by taking herself out of the equation... it's not good at all."

"That's what i'm sayin', ya damn nerd. I don't needa listen to a stupid text tone to see that she's not thinkin' of herself right now." Bakugou replies, "Speakin of: Icy-Hot. Did you get a special message from her? You better give it to me straight. Since you two are perfect buddies all of a sudden, I don't doubt that she sent you somethin' different."

Shouto looks down at his phone. "Actually, I did. But it doesn't offer any hints as to where she might be."

"Well, what the hell does it say?" Bakugou steps forward, swinging his arms out. "Unless it's some gross sexting bullshit, then I don't wanna hear about it."

"Now isn't the time for jokes, Bakugou."

"Shut up. I know that you freak."

"I think our number-one priority right now, since classes are suspended indefinitely, should be to get in contact with her." Midoriya offers, gathering approving looks from the others. "Kirishima's right. As her classmates, we should be supporting her right now! She needs to know that we all have her back. She needs it now more than ever. I mean, just think about it! She has these powerful villains that even the top pros couldn't overcome, right on her tail. And she chose to go off alone to not risk leading them here! Imagine how scary this is for her, right now."

"But, where would we even start to look? She could be anywhere," Mina cries out, comforting Ochaco. "Hell, she could have even left the city already!"

Shouto's turmoil is evident on his face as he grimaces down at his phone.


hey, sho. i know this is weird but don't worry about me, alright? i'll be okay. you're not gonna be able to contact me after this but i'm texting u to say goodbye, just in case this doesn't go to plan. so, thank you for everything. and im sorry for leaving the way i did.

but i won't be coming back until i know they won't follow me. so don't hold your breath, and pls don't come looking for me. u won't find me.

miss you already.
love, Y/N.

Please don't do this, Y/N.
failed to send

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