(Not Edited) How I stayed with him.

Start from the beginning

He smiled warmly at me, making my heart flutter. "Only what they need to know."

I kissed his cheek, and I walked past him, but he pulled my arm back before kissing me, and I melted into the kiss as I was pushed against the wall.

"Why are you treating me so kindly?" I asked him, and Nathan frowned before answering.

"Because, after the way you have been mistreated over the past years, you deserve to be treated like a Queen," He told me, and my heart warmed.

"Well, thank you so much", I beamed at him. His phone started to ring, and he answered it before walking out of the room, leaving me to get dressed.

I opened a drawer looking for underwear and found jewellery. Beautiful jewellery of every colour and every shape. They took my breath away.

I opened another one of underwear, which was enough because it would take some time to look through all the other drawers.

I put on the underwear before pulled on the jeans just as Nathan walked in.

"Sorry, I just left my shirt in here," He told me, and I covered myself the best I could with my hands. Nathan soon left, not before sending me and wink making me giggle. I pulled on the tank top and button-up shirt, leaving it open.

I looked about for shoes to wear and it was a hard choice, with there being so many pairs.

I choose a pair of coral strap wedges; I fell in love with them when I slid them on.

A knock came. "You ready?" Nathan asked from the other side of the door.

"Just two minutes," I told him, and I applied some make-up to my face: just some blusher, peach lipstick and mascara. Not makeup like I used to wear with David; I hope never to wear that kind of make-up again.

I open the bedroom door, and Nathan was sitting on the couch waiting for me, and he smiled up at me.

"Perfect," He said as his eyes roamed over me ", like always", he finished off, and I laughed, rolling my eyes playfully at him.

"Well, thank you, you very handsome yourself," I told him, and he did.

He wore a simple light blue shirt unbuttoned at the top with a pair of grey jeans and black dress shoes with a new Apple watch.

I grabbed my phone before putting it in my jean pocket.

"Come on, let's get going; Rosie and mother are dying to see you", Nathan laughed as we walked out of the apartment.

"I think they like you better than they like me", He joked, but I think he was serious as well.

"Well, that wouldn't be hard; I'm awesome", I laughed as we got out of the elevator. We walked outside, and I said thank you to the doorman before hugging Bradley, who was waiting outside.

"Good to see you are looking so well, Grace," Bradley told me with a bright smile which I returned.

"Thank you, Bradley," I told him before kissing his cheek and getting in the car.

Nathan slid into me and took my hand in his, I rested my hand on his shoulder, and we drove to his parent's house.

"Ahh! You're here," Rosie yelled happily as she ran out of the house and hugged me.

"Hey Rosie", I chuckled as I hugged her back.

"How are you?" Lillian asked with a concerned look on her face as she came up to us.

I smiled at her with a sigh. "Yeah, um, I'm okay", and she nodded. I could tell that she had more to ask but didn't say anything.

Rosie took my arm, and we walked into the house, with Lillian, Nathan and Bradley following behind us.

"I'm so sorry about what happened to you," Rosie said to me, and I nodded, not knowing what to say.

I loved spending time with Nathan's family. Even Eugene seemed to be warmer in the way he talked and acted.

I laughed with Bradley, who is hilarious. The food again is fantastic! I've never had food as good as this. Nathan grabbed my hand that was rested on my lap and took it in his hand. I smiled up at him, and I took a drink of my wine.

"You are amazing", Nathan murmured into my ear, making me blush at the unexpected compliment.

"Why I haven't done anything," I told him, and he gave me a knee-weakening smile.

"Just being you, just being you" He kissed my head. I could feel myself falling deep for the man, and I hope that I don't get hurt again because I'm not sure if my weak heart can take it.

After the meal was finished and we had a cup of coffee. Nathan and I left.

I walked into the bedroom and took off my shirt, then the tank top before taking my shoes off and jeans.

I heard the door open, and I turned to see Nathan standing there wide-eyed.

"Um, sorry, I didn't know you were getting changed," Nathan said, clearing his throat, and I pulled on one of Nathan shirts, and he walked to the bed and sat in the middle. I walked over to the bed before kneeling in front of him.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" I asked Nathan, and he nodded before I kissed him.

He looked at me, and I smiled before kissing him again; I ran my hands through his hair; it was soft as hell. I will find out what shampoo he's using because no man should have more delicate hair than women.

Nathan pulled at the hem of the shirt, and I broke the kiss to let him pulled it over my head before kissing him again. I unbuttoned Nathan's shirt buttons, and I pushed it off his shoulders. I have near felt this way about anyone, not even David. I might love Nathan, no I do love Nathan. I ran my hands over his shoulders and body.

He pulled away, looking at me for reassurance, and I hoped he could tell by my eyes that it was fine.

Nathan smiled at me before turning us around, and so he was kneeling over me. He looked at me for a long while, and I started to cover myself with my hands, but he pulled them away. He kissed my stomach and worked his way back up to my lips.

"I love you", I blurted out, and he looked at me.

"Say it again?" Nathan asked, and I gulped before biting my lip.

"I love you, Nathan," I told him, and he smiled, relaxing my nervous making me grinned at him.

"I love you too," He said, and I kissed him with so much love and passion that I have not given anyone before.

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