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"This is great! Now we can hang out for the whole night. I feel sorry for the rest of the guys though." Harry said.

"Yeah, but we can't do anything about that now." Louis replied.

They had a great night together, laughing, talking, and kissing before the morning arrived and they lay down in the position their owner had left them.

Evelyn had a cold and was whole from school which meant that she played with them all day but she brought them to her bedroom since her mother urged her to stay in bed. They watched a cartoon film with her. It was fun.

Louis seemed to have moved into Harry's room permanently. A couple of days went by and when Evelyn didn't show up to check on them they at least left their rooms to hang out all five of them. Eleanor was asleep as usual.

A lot had happened between Harry and Louis in the last couple of days. They had discovered what their genitals could actually do but more importantly, they had fallen in love.

Last night they had finally discussed their feelings for each other and decided that they were boyfriends now. They were breaking the news to the boys.
"That's awesome! Congratulations." Niall smiled.

"I'm a bit envious. Finding love isn't easy." Liam said.

"Have you thought about dating each other?" Harry suggested.

Niall, Liam, and Zayn looked at each other and started to laugh.
"No, and we don't want to. It's not for us. Don't get me wrong. We're happy for the two of you though." Zayn answered.

"Do you know that you can do stuff with your dicks?" Louis asked.

The boys blushed.
"Yeah, we have figured that out. Not on each other! By ourselves." Niall said.

"I guess that could be fun too." Louis shrugged.

He pulled Harry in for a kiss. The boys wolf-whistled.

All of a sudden Eleanor came out of her room. Before anyone even had the time to blink she came barging and pushed Louis over the edge of the Bargie House.
"Louis!" Harry shouted and looked over the edge.

He watched in absolute horror as Louis fell through the air and landed on the floor. He didn't move.
"Niall, get the ropes! I have to get down there. Hurry!" Harry said.

Niall ran to his room and grabbed all the roped he could find. Zayn and Harry toed them together to create a rope long enough to reach the ground floor. In the meantime, Liam took a rope that they didn't need and tied it around Eleanor.
"What the hell did you just do? You killed him!" He shouted upset while Eleanor tried to get off him.

"He deserved it!" She spitted out.

"You're one crazy lady!" Niall shouted.

While Zayn secured the rope Harry looked at Louis on the ground.
"He's moving! Lay still, Louis. I'm coming!"

He started to climb down as soon as he could. His arm muscles were aching halfway down but he didn't stop. When he finally reached the floor he ran to Louis who opened his eyes and let out a quiet "Harry."

"How are you? Where does it hurt?" Harry asked, worried out of his mind.

"Fucking everywhere. I think I broke me arm." Louis muttered.

Harry's hand flew to his mouth when he realized that Louis' arm no longer was attached to his body. He got down on his knees and picked it up. He tried to reattach it without success.
"Oh, Louis. I don't know what to do."

"Just sit with me." Louis pleaded.

Harry lifted Louis' head gently and lay it in his lap. He caressed Louis' hair.
"I love you."

"I love you too." Louis smiled.

They stayed like that for hours. Harry wished he was strong enough to carry Louis back to their bedroom but it was pointless to even try. The Barbie House was too big. He wouldn't make it up the ropes.

Up on the top floor, the boys looked at them but they couldn't do anything to help. Zayn had tied a cloth over Eleanor's mouth because she wouldn't shut up. Now she just shot daggers with her eyes.

It was pointless to get back to their rooms. Their owner would know that something had happened anyway since Harry and Louis were on the floor. Everything was a mess!

Like clockwork, Evelyn entered the playroom as soon as she woke up. She immediately spotted two of her dolls on the floor.
"What happened?"

She ran up to them. Harry was sitting on the floor with Louis' head in his lap. Then she saw Louis' arm.
"You're hurt! You fell? I'm going to help you."

She picked him up. Harry wanted to protest but he watched her put Louis' arm back in place. Then she wrapped a bandage around it and gently lay him in bed. Harry couldn't be more relieved. She picked him up next and lay him next to Louis.
"Are you okay?" Harry whispered.

"Yeah. Me arm hurts but it feels so much better." Louis whispered back.

In the meantime, Evelyn spotted Eleanor sitting on the top floor with a rope tied around her and a cloth over her mouth.
"You did this? You pushed Louis over the edge, didn't you?" She said and pointed accusingly at the Barbie Doll before she picked her up and removed her from the house. She walked over to the trash can and dumped her there. The boys heard Eleanor's scream but they couldn't feel sorry for her. Not after what she had done.

"She won't live here anymore." Their owner stated while she put Liam, Zayn, and Niall in their beds.
"You have to be exhausted. What a traumatic night you had."

They sure had. Louis had the horrific fall through the air in fresh memory. He shuddered and Harry took his hand underneath the cover.
"Stay in bed. Sleep. Keep away from the edge. I'll take care of that. I will talk to my dad." Evelyn said before the left the room.

Liam, Zayn, and Niall hurried over to Louis to check on him.
"I'm okay." Louis tried to assure them.

"It was so scary!" Niall whimpered.

"I can't believe she pushed you over the edge!" Liam said.

"Well, she's gone now. Things will be better around here. Sorry guys, but I need to sleep. See you later?" Louis said sleepily.

The boys got back in their rooms and Harry wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, tremendously thankful and relieved that Louis was okay. He didn't want to spend a minute without him.

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