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They woke up from their owner's gigantic face close enough for them to let out a silent scream. Oh no! They had fallen asleep in the jacuzzi and missed the time.
"How on earth did you two get down here? I'm sure I put you both in bed." Evelyn said, sounding confused.

It wasn't as if they would actually respond to that. The first rule as a Barbie doll was to never let the humans know about their secret nightlife. They had fucked up big time. Louis listened for the other three boys. Were they still in the bathroom?

Their owner picked them up and looked at them. She put their heads close together.
"You're cute together. Why haven't I thought of that?"

Obviously. Louis was curious about what the little girl was thinking about. Since it was Sunday she would play with them the whole day. She put clothes on them and sat them all down at the breakfast table. Louis sat opposite Niall and looked at him worriedly. He seemed a little pale. He got his answer shortly thereafter.
"Hey! Why is my cookie in the toilet? What's going on?" Evelyn questioned.

She picked them up one by one and started at them, twisting them around. Her eyes were huge. They didn't move a muscle.
"Of course, you're not real. Maybe someone else played with you while I slept. I will ask my nanna."

She ran out of the room and everyone turned to Niall.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"I'm never eating anything ever again. That's for sure." Niall grunted.

"It was horrendous!" Liam added.

"Like something out of a horror movie." Zayn said.

Their owner returned to they shut up. She picked up Louis and Eleanor and took them to the living room.
"Eleanor, we need to talk." She said with the voice she always used for Louis.

"What is it, darling?" She said in Elanor's voice.

"Well, sugar plum." She started off and Louis cringed internally. Sugar plum? Really?

"I think we should break up." Evelyn said.

Now wait a minute? What was going on? Louis piqued an interest. Since their owner bought him and Eleanor they had always been a couple in the girl's pretend play.
"What? No, Louis. I love you!" The girl said in her Eleanor's voice.

"There's a new man in town. I want to date him." The girl said as him.

What was she talking about? What man? He was gonna date a man?
"It's Harry, isn't it? I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's okay. I understand. We can be friends." The girl said as Eleanor and pushed them together so they would hug.

Woah! Louis was in shock. Harry? He liked the guy but date him, even if their owner just pretended? He didn't know how to feel about that.
"I will get you for this." Eleanor wheezed in his ear so only he could hear.

Evelyn brought them back to the kitchen. She sat Eleanor on her chair but kept Louis standing.
"Eleanor and I broke up. We're friends. Harry, do you wanna go out on a date with me?" The girl said in her Louis voice.

Across the table, Louis could see everyone's eyes widen in surprise.
"I would love to!" Their owner said in her Harry voice and giggled.

"Evelyn! Your grandparents are here!" The nanny shouted.

"Yay!" The girl yelled and ran off.

As soon as they were by themselves the investigation began.
"What just happened?" Zayn wondered.

"Why are the two of you going out on a date?" Liam questioned.

"You broke up?" Niall asked.

Eleanor just huffed and looked pissed off. Louis looked around the table, at everyone except Harry.
"Guys! It's just play pretend, remember?"

Eleanor let out some weird sound. Niall looked at her.
"Why are you upset? It's not like Louis was your real boyfriend."

"We live in this house together!" Eleanor said.

"Newsflash, so do all of us." Niall chuckled.

"You're just the pool boy!" Eleanor snorted.

"You didn't just say that!" Niall replied with his mouth hung open.

Before they could say anything more their owner was back.
"Look, grandma! I got it at Christmas. Oh, and these are my new dolls, Zayn and Harry."

"It's great Evelyn." The grandmother smiled.

"I think they're magical. This morning I found Louis and Harry in the jacuzzi." Evelyn said excitedly.

Her grandmother laughed and caressed her hair.
"Did you now?"

"I always put them in their beds." Evelyn said, trying to convince her grandmother that her dolls were magical. She hadn't had any luck with her nanny or parents.

"You probably forgot this time. Come on, let's have a cup of tea." The grandmother said and took Evelyn's hand.

As soon as they had left everyone turned to Harry and Louis.
"She found you in the jacuzzi?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, we fell asleep." Harry answered.

"You guys just left without us " Louis said.

"We were busy taking care of Niall after the cookie thing." Liam explained.

"Don't say cookie." Niall shuddered.

Eleanor butted in. She sounded mad.
"That's just great guys! Your nightly adventures will get us all exposed. Why can't you just sleep like me?"

"We like to have a life of our own, not just the one Evelyn makes up." Louis replied fiercely.

"We're dolls! That's our purpose! We make children safe and happy." Eleanor said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Just because you love the spotlight doesn't mean the rest of us have to. We can have the best of two worlds!" Louis argued.

"Alright, calm down you two. Louis is right though. I'm proud of being Evelyn's doll, being a part of her childhood. That doesn't mean that I don't want more than that. The nights are ours." Niall said.

"Yeah." Liam and Zayn spoke simultaneously.

Evelyn returned.
"My grandparents left. Let's get you ready for a date. Niall, you can go down here and clean the pool. Zayn, wash the car, Liam you can help him. Eleanor, ehm, you can watch tv. Louis and Harry, it's time for a shower."

Louis let her pamper him, getting him ready for his big date with Harry. That should feel weird but it didn't. He was actually excited about it.

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