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The date was just an embarrassment. He had been on some cringy pretend dates with Eleanor but this? Oh, well. He had to remember that their owner was just a child.

Zayn, with the help of their owner, drove them to Evelyn's bed where she had built a cinema, sort of. That part was cute. They didn't actually get to watch a film. She had just hung up a picture of Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet in the Titanic and played that Louis was scared and needed Harry to comfort him. Seriously? That film wasn't even scary. Sad yes. Scary not so much. He had seen some of it before, when Evelyn snuck down to the living room to watch the movie from behind the couch until her parents noticed her. She had brought him with her.

The next part of the date was dinner. She had taken the kitchen table out of the doll house and placed it on the floor next to the window. Liam was their waiter and it had been fun if it hadn't been for the conversation topics Evelyn made them have. He had no idea where she drew her inspiration for romantic dates because he would never say stuff like "I could wrestle a bear with my bare hands" or "I'm a funny guy. Stick with me and I will make you laugh, honey."

He could see that Harry had a hard time keeping it together. His eyes were sparkling with humor. Louis think he would lose it when Evelyn made Harry compliment him. "ooh, you look so strong, Louis. I like your muscles."

At least they would have a good laugh about it later. The date thankfully ended and they went back to the dollhouse. She made them hug and change into their pajamas. Louis was happily surprised when she put him in his own bedroom, next to Harry's.

He made sure to get some sleep before midnight. He woke up from the feeling of filling out his pajama pants. He hurried to get out of bed and soon the rest of the guys came out of their rooms as well. They climbed down to the floor underneath them and sat down to talk. Niall wanted to hear everything about their date. Zayn and Liam filled him in since they had been there and the three of them laughed their asses off.
"I think it's sweet." Harry suddenly said.

"Louis' strong muscles?" Liam teased.

Harry rolled his eyes at him.
"No, that the girl pretends that Louis and I are dating. I don't know much about the outside world but I heard and saw some stuff when I was still at the toy store. One time two boys came in holding hands and a couple of other boys were mean to them. Two boys together seem like something people might have a problem with, but Evelyn didn't even give it a second thought. She thinks we look cute together so she pretends that we're dating."

"That's true." Louis smiled.

"Humans are so weird. How can that have a problem with that?" Niall questioned.

"Yeah, I don't get it. Harry, can I speak with you for a sec?" Louis asked nervously.

Harry smiled and nodded his head. They left the guys while they were still discussing homophobia even if they didn't know the word for it. Harry and Louis headed to the living room.
"What's up?" Harry asked.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're okay after our so-called date." Louis said.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know. So we're good?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Wait, are you not okay with it? It's just pretend." Harry said.

"What? No, I'm fine. Just a game, right?" Louis said.

"Right." Harry replied.

"I rather pretend to date you instead of Eleanor anyway." Louis smirked.

"I totally get that." Harry chuckled.

They went back to the boys and they just hung out for the rest of the night before it was time to get back to their beds.

When the little girl came into the playroom in the morning she immediately looked in the jacuzzi. When she found it empty and her dolls were laying in their beds just like she had placed the the day before she sighed in disappointment.

She dressed them one by one and placed them in the kitchen before she headed to school. The boys played poker while Eleanor was moping in a corner.

When Evelyn returned from school she made Harry and Louis go on a second date. She dressed them in swim trunks and let them play in the pool while Niall was the bartender in her pretend scenario.

She had placed Eleanor, Zayn, and Liam in front of the tv in the meantime. Eleanor muttered profanities under her breath the whole time. She wasn't pleased with the new arrangement.

Evelyn went to eat dinner. Harry and Louis chilled on a towel in the meantime just talking and getting to know each other better. Louis realized how much he enjoyed Harry's company.

Eleanor was throwing a tantrum in the living room and Zayn and Liam tried to calm her down. Even if their voices were so low a human most likely wouldn't be able to detect it, it was still a risk, especially by the way Eleanor was screaming at the moment.

Thankfully she stopped as soon as Evelyn stepped into the room. She focused on Harry and Louis and continued their date, making them hold hands. Louis smiled internally from the feeling of Harry's hand in his. It fitted perfectly. He wouldn't mind holding it later that night. These fake dates with Harry stirred something deep inside of him. He found himself wishing that he could take him out on a real date but he was too afraid to ask. If Harry turned him down things would become awkward in their shared house.

When Evelyn had to get ready for bed she got the other dolls ready at first before she picked up Harry and Louis. She held them upright outside Harry's bedroom door.
"I had a lovely date." She said in her Harry voice.

"Me too." She said in her Louis voice.

Louis drew in a silent gasp when she made them kiss. His heart was beating rapidly and that thing in his pants perked an interest. His mind was blown.

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