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"So... I was thinking..." Harry said later that night.

"Yeah?" Louis said encouragingly. Harry seemed nervous.

"Uhm, would you, eh, like, I mean you don't have to, uhm, would you like to go out on a real date with me?"Harry managed to get out and blushed fiercely.

Louis internally cooed over how fucking adorable he was.

"Really?" Harry smiled excitedly.

"Really. I'd love to. I actually thought of asking you out but you beat me to it." Louis said.

"That's great." Harry beamed.

Louis left out the part where he had been too much of a coward to go through with it. Luckily Harry was much braver.
"So, wanna do that now? Uhm, let's see. Not that much to do around here. Jacuzzi?"

"Sure." Harry giggled.

They climbed the rope to the floor where the jacuzzi was, leaving the rest of the guys behind. They hurried to get undressed and got in. Ten minutes later their date was interrupted by Liam, Zayn, and Niall who threw their clothes off, ready to climb in with them.
"Uhm, guys? We're kind of on a date here." Louis said.

The boys stopped in their tracks, dicks dangling dangerously close to Harry's and Louis' faces.
"A real one?" Niall questioned.

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

"Oh. Okay. We'll just use the pool then. Good luck on your date." Liam smiled and they picked up their clothes and left.

Louis glanced at Harry.
"They seemed to take it well."

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

Louis decided to get bold.
"Do you know what I've been thinking about?"

Harry giggled.
"I'm not a mind reader."

"Right... Ehm...that sort of kiss earlier. Wanna try that for real?" Louis asked and gulped.

"I've been thinking about that too. Yeah." Harry replied and turned to face him.

Louis just hesitated for a second before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Harry's. They both gasped in surprise and opened their mouth and deepened the kiss. Harry came closer and sat on Louis' lap while they continued to make out. Suddenly Harry pulled away and looked between them.
"Wow! It has never done that before!" He said and poked his dick.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Louis grinned.

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

They were interrupted by the boys.
"Guys! Someone is coming. Hide!"

Harry and Louis stared at each other and then they threw themselves out of the jacuzzi and frantically looked for somewhere to hide. They ran into the office and ducked behind the desk.

The door to the playroom opened and it was their owner. She tiptoed her way over to the Barbie house but before she came close enough her mother came into the room.
"Evelyn! It's the middle of the night. Why are you awake? You have school tomorrow."

"I want to see where my dolls are." Evelyn said.

"You can play with them tomorrow. Come on! Get back in bed." Evelyn's mother said and took her hand.

They walked out of the room and closed the door behind them. Louis checked that the coast was clear and he and Harry ran to get their pajamas. They hurried to put them on and climbed the ropes. The three other boys were ahead of them. They made sure to untie the ropes and take them with them and got in their rooms and hurried to lay down in their separate beds.

A few minutes later the door to the playroom opened again and their owner came running inside. They lay perfectly still in their beds while the little girl scanned the Barbie house. She let out a disappointed whine and stomped her foot before she walked out of the room again.

They let out a breath of relief but stayed in their beds. Who knew if the tricky little girl would check in on them again? Louis decided to get some sleep since he stayed awake for most of the day nowadays.

He had a difficult time relaxing. All he could think about what the kisses he shared with Harry earlier and what that had done to his lower regions. Apparently his genitals weren't just for show? That made him curious and excited. He pulled his pants down and looked at it. He poked at it.
"Wake up."

It didn't work. He sighed and pulled his pants back up and closed his eyes and managed to drift off to sleep.

The next day after Evelyn dressed them and sat them down in the kitchen and left for school they discussed last night.
"She's too suspicious right now. We have to stay low for a while." Liam said.

"Stay in our rooms all night?" Louis questioned.

"Just for a while until she lets it go." Liam shrugged.

"That will be super boring." Louis sighed and glanced at Harry. He wanted to explore this new thing between them.

"Oh, for fucks sake, Louis. You almost exposed us all! Stay in your room. That's an order." Eleanor said.

"An order? Who the hell do you think you are? You're not the boss of me." Louis argued upset.

Harry put a hand on his to calm him down. Eleanor glared at them.
"We have to keep a low profile, Louis. Just for a little while."

"Yeah, okay. You're right." Louis sighed.

"Oh, so when he says it you agree?" Eleanor snorted.

"He said it nicely." Louis huffed and Eleanor rolled her eyes at him.

When their owner came home from school she arranged a third date for them. Louis always looked forward to spending some time alone with Harry. She played that they walked around looking at paintings, which were drawings she had made and hung up on the wall. Louis had a hard time trying to figure out what they were. Maybe their owner drew abstract art?

When the date was over he waited for the kiss but the girl had other plans.
"Third date means you have a pajama party." She said and undressed them so she could put their pajamas on.

She put them in the same bed and pulled the blanket over them before she said good night and went to brush her teeth.

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