Dinner Night

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Rain could see how utterly happy Mew looked. He was practically vibrating his seat and those lingering looks he kept throwing at his phone was indication enough what must've transpired between the two husbands. Rain was content seeing his best friend finally accepting his feelings and cherishing the love and care bestowed upon him but a part of him was a little bit worried as well. Well, happily ever after wasn't rare but really hard to maintain. He just hoped things would stay sweet between Mew and Gulf.

"Rain, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Gulf and I are dating."

"But you guys are husbands. Do people date after marriage?" Rain made an attempt at teasing.

"Of course they do. Gulf wad really sweet about everything and we had the talk realizing we both wanted to give marriage a shot so we got together."

"But you were together before as well."

"But now we are couple."

"Weren't you couples before as well in the literal terms?"

"But we couldn't do couples things, you know."

"Couple's things? Like what? Kissing? Hugging? Holding hands? Making out? Se-"

Mew clamped a hand over Rain's mouth, "Do you have no shame? Everyone is staring at us."

Rain frowned, "Did I say something wrong?"

"You need to learn about social norms. You are too straightforward at times."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Um.... Not really but people can get offended."

Rain tilted his head to side, "Did I offend you?"


"Then it's okay. Other people don't matter."

Mew smiled at the fluff ball beside him, "Oh, I forgot to ask you earlier, would you like to come to my home for dinner?"


"Why are you so shocked?"

"You have never invited me before so I was just surprised."

"I wasn't sure how Gulf and his family would react so I never thought of inviting you over."

"They are your family too, Mew."

"I know. I just couldn't believe that I could call them my own."

Rain wasn't sure what he was expecting but the large looming mansion was far from his imagination. It would be a disservice to call it house because it was nothing short of a castle. The entire property was enough to accommodate his entire neighborhood. He had never seen such large expanse of property before and was more astonished to see the interior. Home like this must be dream.

Now Rain wasn't introvert neither was he a shy person but the aura Gulf's family exuded was enough to keep his mouth tightly shut. The intimidating glare and blank expression did nothing to quell his fear. Rain has always been liked by older people, they just simply loved him, like how could anyone not? He was sweet, full of life, always smiling and adorable, elders instantly liked him but seemed like Gulf's family had a different opinion. There wasn't any warm welcome he was used to, although they weren't being unwelcoming either but it just seemed like they weren't particularly happy about him being there.

And he couldn't understand why? Didn't people like to meet their family member's friends? And their best friend at that? Gulf had warmed up to him immediately so he had thought so would the rest of Mew's in-laws. Did they think he wasn't a good friend? Or he wasn't good enough for Mew? That would make sense. He thought the same sometimes. But he was glad to see that they absolutely loved Mew and doted on him like their own son. Mew definitely deserved a family like that after the way his own parents had treated him.

Gulf was making dinner with Kinn when the man decided to voice out his thoughts, "Gulf, why would you bring that boy here?"

"Dad, he's Mew's best friend and my friend as well."

"You know how dangerous the situation could turn even with a single misstep?"

"Rain is harmless."

"They all are in the starting."

"Dad, he's sweetest little bean. You would realize that once you get to know him. I know how to read people after all these years."

"Some people have better mask in place. You can't always read them correctly." Kinn said morbidly.

"I know but it makes Mew happy."

"There's nothing wrong with Mew having friends but you shouldn't bring them here or get too close."

Gulf sighed, "I did the background check on him-"

"There can still be things that background checks can't reveal. You should know that better than anyone."

"Fine, I'll keep an eye on him."

"You better. You guys haven't told him about our family, right?"

Gulf made an affronted face, "I'm not stupid, Dad."

"I hope so not." Kinn murmured.

Porche entered the kitchen to check the progress of dinner, "Is it ready?"

"Dad is being mean to me." Gulf complained.


"Your son is being stupid." Kinn defended himself.

Gulf narrowed his eyes at the insult, "See? He's being more mean than usual."

Porche shook his head. It was a daily thing in their household. Father-son duo bickered like cat and dog. It was amusing if not annoying at times. Soon they were seated at the table with conversation and laughter flowing easily. Rain was mostly silent since no one engaged with him in conversation except Mew and Gulf. He observed the Theerapanyakul family. Apart from their intimidating aura, they all seemed nice and carefree although they did seem to have some sort of apprehension towards him.

Mew could feel the underlying tension running through everyone at the dinner table. Now that Rain was here it didn't seem like a great idea anymore. He could understand why everyone was on high alert but he wanted then to welcome his best friend like they would a normal person. But they all seemed on edge and it was painfully obvious that they didn't trust Rain at all, even being Mew's best friend get him any leverage. When he had talked about inviting Rain, Gulf had agreed immediately so he had thought Gulf must've talked with others about it but it looked like he hadn't. Everyone had been so shocked and on defense mode when he had brought Rain inside.

Poor little Rain must be feeling unwelcomed and that made Mew sad. He'll have the much needed talk with everyone once Rain left. His glare had been the only reason the Theerapanyakuls were even sitting down for dinner with Rain else they had been adamant on kicking him out. Dinner was almost over when the gaurd interrupted them claiming someone had come to meet Vegas and Kinn. From the way both smiled and stood up to go it was apparent it was a friendly figure instead of a threat. It was time for Rain to leave as well. Mew would have liked if they were having a sleepover but it didn't seem possible as of right now. Maybe later.

As they passed the meeting room where Kinn and Vegas were hosting their guest, Rain caught the glimpse of the stranger inside and instantly stopped in his track. His eyes widened as he recognized the man sitting inside and couldn't help the words leaving his mouth, "Daddy?"

It was enough to get the attention of the three men inside the meeting room as well as Gulf and Mew.

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