Rain and Sunshine

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There is long list of places Rain would rather at on a Sunday afternoon than a packed mall. He could be cuddling with Mew while they watch the latest episode of "Duty after school". Mew was lucky Rain liked him enough to come shopping when his jerk of a husband had tagged along as well. Rain had been affronted when Gulf had accompanied them on this little outing. Why would Mew do this to him? Rain didn't like Gulf long before he even met him. The way he had married Mew was reason enough to hate him but Rain kinda didn't like sharing his best friend. Sounds toxic? He didn't care. Mew was his first best friend so Rain was allowed to be little possessive about him. It made him jealous to think all the cuddles and kisses that could have been his were being given to Gulf who definitely didn't deserve them.

Mew wanted Rain and Gulf to get better acquainted with each other. He had been glad when Gulf had suggested meeting Rain to get to know him better. It warmed his heart to see Gulf trying to be more involved in his life, it made him feel like Gulf cared and it was enough to cause small bunch of butterflies to flutter in his belly. Currently they were in the mall, Gulf had gone to get food for them while they waited.

"Why did you ask me to meet him out of blue?" Rain pondered.

"Gulf suggested meeting you. He wants to know you better."


Mew shrugged, "He just wants to make effort. You know, like maybe change your perception about him."

"Why would he care about that? We don't know each other."

"Yeah but we are best friends so he wants to get to know you as well."

Rain leaned forward, "So basically he wants to know about his husband's best friend? He's trying to get to know you better not me."

"I..... I don't think that's the case."

Rain scanned Mew from head to toe, "You dressed up for him."

"No, I didn't. I dress like this all the time."

"No, you don't. You dress like a fashion hazard usually but today you tried, key word being tried, to look hot."

"You insulted me a lot in that one statement."

"So, why such makeover?"

Mew feigned ignorance, "I don't know what you're trying to say. We should dress up when we go out. That's normal."

"You're lusting over him?"

Mew looked at him in horror, "Why would you say that?"

"Why are you so scandalized? He's your husband, I mean that's surely one of the reason to make it seem completely okay."

"Why would I lust over him?"

"Why wouldn't you? If we overlook the way you guys met, he's hot."

Mew narrowed his eyes, "You think my husband is hot?"

Rain spluttered in indignation, "Are you jealous?"

"I'm not. You're gaslighting me." Mew pouted.

"Oh god, you're weird. I'm not blind, your husband is good looking, anyone can see that. Maybe some people are focussed on that. You should stake your claim before someone snatches him away."

"Um..... We are getting divorced."

Rain stared at him for few seconds in complete silence then stood up and smacked him on back.

Mew glared at him, "Ow, what the hell was that for?"

"You're seriously getting divorced?"

"Yes. I told him-"

"He agreed?"

"Well not at first but eventually he did."

"But why? I mean I get you didn't get married in best of the circumstances but shouldn't you at least give this marriage a chance?"

Mew flicked him on forehead, "What's gotten into you? You were calling him names before and now you can't stop taking his side. You do remember that you're my best friend, right?"

"I'm not taking his side but he genuinely cares about you. And he's hot."

"You're getting nasty day by day."

"If I had a man like that I would get nasty every night."

"What happened to my innocent little rainy boy? Who is this filthy minded creature?"

Rain rolled his eyes, "I have always been like this."

Gulf came back with their food and was confused to see Mew round wide eyes staring at him in horror, "What happened?"

"Our Rain isn't innocent anymore."

"Was he ever?"

Rain gasped, "How could you say that? I'm offended."

Mew looked at him like he was crazy, "You just now said you weren't innocent."

"I'm allowed to say that about myself but he isn't."

Gulf steered the conversation in different direction, "Rain, what are you majoring in?"


"Is it fun?"

"When is studying ever fun? But it's not that bad."

"Mew told me you like riding bike."


"How's everything at home?"


"Do you have any siblings?"


It wasn't going the way Gulf had envisioned. Rain didn't look particularly interested in talking to Gulf. He didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Um.... That pin..... You're demon slayer fan?"

Rain's eyes widened, "You watch anime?"


"Even though you're old?"

"Even though I'm old."

Rain looked at Mew with a wide smile, "I approve."

Gulf raised a quizzical eyebrow, "What?"

Mew sighed, "Nothing. Learn to ignore him 80% of time you're with him."

Rain pouted, "That's mean. Gulfie, Mewie is being mean to me."

Gulf laughed, "Gulfie? It's the first time someone has given me a nickname."

Mew groaned, "Rain loves giving people nickname."

"Correction: I love giving nickname to people I love."

The atmosphere turned playful after Rain lowered his gaurd around Gulf. He had accepted Gulf as a part of their little group and Mew was weirdly glad about his best friend and husband getting along.

"Rain, finish your food. There's still a lot left on your plate." Gulf said when Rain refused to finish his food and kept asking for more ice cream.

"Nooooo. Rain wants ice cream." He whined.

Mew could see that Rain was in bratty mood. Now, Mew was well accustomed to Rain’s brattiness. To how he’d use his words and a well placed pout, and those big, pretty eyes of his to get whichever kind of attention that he was craving at the moment. To push the right buttons until he got affection, or punishment, or some other desired reaction.

Gulf ordered him firmly but not unkindly, "Rain, finish that food and no more ice cream. You already had a lot."

Rain pouted while glaring at Gulf, "I want ice cream now."

Gulf put his hand under his chin, holding it firmly, "Behave sunshine."

Rain instantly listened. Mew was astonished to see Gulf handle Rain like he had known him for years. It had taken Mew some time to figure out how to subdue Rain when he got into bratty mood but seeing that Gulf was inherently dominant and Rain was subconsciously very submissive, it could definitely work. It may look weird to other people but Mew found it surprisingly hot, it was like watching a dad control his unruly child.

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