Preparation For The Worst

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Mew was glad to see that the hall was empty when he arrived at home- house. It wasn't really a home for him. He quickly dashed towards his room and closed the door. Luckily he hadn't encountered anyone, he wasn't sure what excuse he could give about his appearance but then again it was a bit presumptuous of him to think anyone here would even care to ask about his wellbeing. They would definitely not care that much was obvious. He took a painful shower, popping some painkillers, he tried to get some sleep. Next morning wasn't any easier. His bruises looked more ghastly and they hurt worse than yesterday. His face was pretty much okay, nothing that he couldn't get away with, but his abdomen and back was another story. Those kicks had done pretty good damage and Mew found it hard to even think of going to college so he decided to take a leave for few days.

He informed his professor and went back to sleep after swallowing two more painkillers. What felt like few minutes but was actually more than an hour, he heard a knock at the door. He decided to let it be, whoever was outside would eventually leave but after persistent knocking, Mew got out of bed with a groan. He quickly wore a t shirt and opened the door to see Ryan standing outside.

"Mew aren't you going to college?"


"Why? Are you sick?"


"Should we go to hospital?"

Mew raised an eye brow, "There's no need. I have taken medicine I'll be fine."

Ryan looked in a dilemma, "Mew, are you sure? You don't look well."

"Look Ryan, I'm okay. Don't need to fuss over it."

"Are you still angry with me?"

"What do you expect?"

"I know I messed up-"

Mew scoffed, "That's putting it lightly."

"Mew, can't we start over?"

"Start over? I don't think so."

"We are family-"

"I don't feel like that anymore. As for you I don't think you ever considered me your family."

"That's not true. I know I haven't been affectionate towards you but you've always been my younger brother." Ryan said beseechingly.

Mew sighed, the throbbing in his head hadn't subsided yet, "Ryan, let's talk later. I want to lie down right now."

"Of course. Take rest and I'll break breakfast for you after a while. If you need anything let me know."

Mew closed the door and dragged himself back to the bed, curling up in a small ball. Worst of the pain had subsided but he still felt like crying from the pain. Somehow he fell in a fitful sleep he could faintly make out the sound of opening of door but couldn't gather strength to open his eyes. Must be Ryan, his mind supplied. A hand ran through his hair hesitantly but softly. It felt good enough for him to slip deeper in sleep. It was around noon when he woke up. Trudging towards the bathroom with ointment in hand, Mew blearily looked at his reflection. He could hide most of the wounds with his clothes.

After having applied the medicine, he finally allowed himself to think about what had happened yesterday. He had never been bullied before, it seemed like a foreign concept to him. He hadn't been the most popular person in school and college but he wasn't a loner either. He always had good circle of friends and could interact to almost everyone. His sexuality had never been an issue before because he had never really talked about it. Sometime in the school he had realized that he was probably bi but hadn't really indulged in dating so his friends never really knew that neither had he felt the need to clarify it to them. He thought it wouldn't matter. It's not like you introduce yourself as straight when you befriend someone so why is there need to clarify being gay or lesbian?

He could've understood the anger had it been solely for the fact that he hadn't told them about his sexuality but the hate and disgust subjected towards him is unwarranted for. Why does it even matter to people? People breaking ties with him because of his sexuality is fine. It's not like that he can force anyone to be his friend but being bullied for it was wrong. He hadn't done anything wrong so why were people being so mean to him? Those seniors had been really friendly and fun till yesterday, they always helped Mew whenever he had some queries regarding academics and stuff but now they were acting like Mew had done something wrong. It's not like Mew can't fight back but he had been so startled yesterday at such drastic turn of events that he didn't actually grasp the situation.

He'll have to figure out something. He can't keep hiding like this and from the way things were it didn't seem like he was going to be left alone, he'll have to deal with such people. But what should he do? Complain to faculty and authorities? That seemed like only plausible solution at this point. It's not like he could ask his parents for help or anyone else for that matter. Should he get a doctor's report? Would they ask him for that? Mew decided to tackle this issue swiftly and efficiently. He wasn't going to just endure it for the rest of his college years.

He went out to the doctor with David and got checked up. Doctor looked concerned about his situation and offered him advice regarding the matter. When he came back Gulf was pacing in the hall. As soon as he stepped inside, Gulf walked to him with worry etched on his face.

"What happened?"

Mew frowned, "What?"

"How sick are you that you had to go to hospital? I could have gone with you."

"It's fine."


"Gulf, I'm okay. I just went to get some meds."

"Mew, do you hate me?" Gulf asked out of blue.

Mew was startled, "What?"

"Do you hate me?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"We haven't talked even once since that day."

"What's there to talk about?"

"Do you want to divorce me?"

"Haven't I made myself clear enough?"

"Mew, I will agree to that. If that's what you want, I'll do it."

"Why didn't you agree earlier?" Mew asked.

"I thought you would go back to your parents if we divorced."

"You know what you guys problem is, you people assume a lot. You all had already decided how I would react and took decisions based on that."

Gulf looked down, "I understand. It was-"

"Let's not have same conversation again and again. Whatever happened is in past. I'm tired of being angry at you or anyone else but that doesn't mean I'm okay with whatever happened. I just want to get on with my life in peace."

"Of course. As for divorce, I'll let you know when things get sorted out."




Gulf said, "I just want you to know that I never meant any harm to you. I did wrong but hurting you was never my intention. I'll stay out of your life if that's what you want but if you ever need anything, I'll be there."

Guys, sorry for such delay. I was busy with my internship and shifting so couldn't focus on the writing. I'm thankful for the patience. I know it must get a bit annoying and upsetting to not get an update for so long but please bear with me. I'll make sure to update frequently. There was another issue I wanted to address, one of the reader asked whether Gulf is top or power bottom. To be honest I haven't decided yet. I had started with the thought of making him power bottom but it would something new with him being top but still I can't decide. Do let me know in comments what you guys would prefer. Thank you. Have a nice day. Take care. 💕💜🥰

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