Fighting Back

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Mew had been dreading going back to college but everything seemed fine. His ex-friends were still being jerks but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Things started looking up when it was announced that it was time for the cultural fest. The events were pretty innovative this time, he couldn't wait to participate. He went to register for Rhyme with Reason, a poetry contest and few more literary events. He was happily humming to himself as he packed his bag to go back home when he was dragged by Gabriel and his friends. Mew fought back this time and managed to smack one of the assailants in face, breaking free and running away. Gabriel chased after him and managed to catch up eventually.

Mew glared at the man, "What do you want?"

"Now Mew is that any way to talk to your seniors?"

"Like hell I give a damn. After the way you've acted, you don't deserve my respect."

Gabriel frowned, "You're acting way out of line, Mew."

"You crossed the line first."

"Do you think you can peacefully complete your college if you have bad blood with me?"

Mew clenched his fists, "Let me tell you, you don't want bad blood with me."

"Ooho, do you have someone backing you up? Is that why you're being bold all of a sudden?"

"I don't need anyone to back me up. I can show you your place on my own."


Mew took few steps forward backing Gabriel in a corner, "Just because I don't fight back usually doesn't mean I'm weak. I just choose not to create drama. But it looks like you had some misconception regarding me."

Gabriel pushed his back and it was the last straw. Mew punched him face knocking him down. Gabriel was shocked at the sudden punch but that didn't stop him from standing up and fighting back. Mew was prepared for the attack and countered with one of his own. Gabriel quickly realized he couldn't tackle Mew alone so he ran away. Mew decided against chasing after Gabriel. He was still thinking about what had happened as the car stopped in front of the house. He was lost in his thought that's why he didn't notice the audible gasp and flurry of footsteps approaching him.

"Mew, what the hell?"

Mew was startled out of his thoughts, "Huh?"

Pete and Porche were standing around him staring at his bruises. Mew had completely forgotten about all that.

"Did you get into fight?" Pete asked.

Mew wasn't sure how to answer that, "Not really."

Porche looked at him horrified, "Did someone ambush you? Were you targeted?"


Khun came out of his room, "What's going on? Porche, you're frowning like someone ate your cake."

"No- wait, someone did eat my cake though. It was definitely you, right?" Porche narrowed his eyes at him.

"Why would you think that? You shouldn't throw around accusations like that. It could hurt someone."

Pete rolled his eyes, "Guys, focus."

Mew tried to get away unnoticed but collided with Gulf who was on his phone. Gulf grabbed his arm and steadied him but when he got a good look at Mew's face his entire demeanor changed.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I just fell." Mew cringed at such lame excuse.

"You know I'm not buying that."

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