A Little Bite Of Peace

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The ride to home wasn't as silent as Mew had expected it to be. Gulf seemed agitated and wouldn't stop glancing at him every few seconds.

"Do you have something to say?" Mew asked.

"Who was that boy?"

"My friend."

"I have never heard of him."

"It's not like we talk about my friends."

"Um.... Right. So what sort of guy is he?"

"Good." Mew replied nonchalantly.

"You seem pretty close to him."

"Yeah, he's my best friend."

Gulf let out surprised sound, "Best friend? So soon? You sure he's a good person? What if he's like your previous friends?"

"Time will tell me what sort of person he is but for now he's my closest friend."

"You should be careful. Even though he looks gullible he could be planning something."

Mew narrowed his eyes at his husband, "Excuse me? Rain is fluffiest sweetest boy you could ever find. You don't even know him so don't go around throwing accusations."

"I didn't mean it like that. I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"If you knew Rain, you wouldn't worry about something like that. He could never hurt anyone even if he wanted to."

"Are you sure he's just a friend?"

Mew raised his eyebrow in surprise, "What are you implying? Do you think we are more than friends?"

"It's..... I don't know."

"Exactly, you don't know so don't jump to any conclusion. There's nothing going on between us. I just love him like a little brother. He's too adorable not to."

Gulf looked skeptical for few seconds, "I'm glad you have someone like that by your side. I know I come across as overbearing but I'm just worried about you. There are lot of people who wouldn't think twice before hurting you and it's a lot more dangerous since you're associated with my family."

Mew softened a little, "I understand your concern."

Gulf smiled, "Would you like to eat outside today?"

"Like a date?"

"Uh..... Um..... N-No. Not a date really, you know, just two people eating outside, somewhere not home, out of home with only two people, not more than that-"

Mew laughed at the flustered Gulf. He never got to see Gulf so out if his depth, it was amusing to watch, "Calm down. I don't mind. It would be refreshing to go out once in a while."

"Really? Okay, I know a place that serves the best food in town."

They arrived at a quaint restaurant tucked in the alley behind the supermarket, it didn't look like somewhere a man like Gulf would eat. They entered the restaurant and Mew was absolutely mesmerized. There wasn't any fancy decor or dazzling chandelier hanging from the ceiling but it was clean and simple with a wall dedicated to people writing their names under a wish. It looked like a cozy space where you chill with your friends after a school or you come with your family to celebrate stuff. Mew really liked the ambiance and vibe of the place.

"Do you like it? You once said you didn't like dining in expensive places so i thought this might appease you more."

"It's beautiful. I'm glad you brought me here."

After ordering the food the two of them sat in silence.

"Gulf, had we met in another circumstance, do you think things would be different?" Mew asked out of blue.

Gulf didn't rush in to answer, he actually took time and thought about it, "I think it would have been but I still would have been protective over you just like now. The way things started between was definitely one of the worst circumstances and I feel really bad about it. Things would have gone in entirely different tangent had I taken your feelings and situation under consideration.

I want you to know that no one blames you or hates you for anything, not even the shooting incident. My family is a bit overprotective at times and they don't really know how to filter their words, we are working on that. They don't blame you for that, yes they were angry at that time but trust me they don't hate you for any of it because it wasn't your fault at all. You did what any normal person would have done and it is my fault for not explaining everything to you the first time we met."

"I was scared. I didn't want to be left alone in a place I knew no one. It was overwhelming and terrifying. You were scary."

Gulf felt his heart break a little at that confession, "Oh Mew, I'm so sorry. I could have been gentle and understanding but I decided to be douchebag, as our little Rain would call me, I would never hurt you no matter the circumstances. I'm a monster Mew, I know that but I won't be a monster to you."

"That was kinda comforting in a weird way. I had accepted your apology already. I want to just let go of it all and focus on myself."

"Like you should. I would like to meet your friend Rain if it's okay with you. I want to try harder to mend things between us."

"Sure. You will love Rain. It's hard not to." Mew said giddly.

"But not as much as I love you." Gulf thought.

The food arrived shortly after and Mew could bet on his life he hadn't tasted anything better than this. It was savory and with right level of spiciness he liked. He felt a bit lighter after that conversation with Gulf. A part of him knew that no one had any right to blame him for anything, yet he feared that they would. It just was the way things worked in his head. Everything that had happened to him lately had changed his perspective completely. He was tired of living the life that wasn't his anymore, he was done with appeasing people around him, making them happy at the cost of his mental peace. He didn't owe it to anyone. He was going to have fun and live the way it felt right. Do his sort of things with his sort of people and be unapologetic about it.

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