Under The Surveillance

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Mew hadn't gone to college since his impromptu wedding. It's been a week since then and he wasn't in mood to go back anytime soon. After his fight with Gulf at the restaurant they hadn't talked again not that there was anything to talk about until Gulf admitted to his wrongdoings and apologized and actually gave a justifiable reason for his actions. His brother had sent him a text asking how he was doing. He couldn't believe that's all he had to say after everything. He hadn't replied yet because he was too angry to even think about Ryan. Of course Ryan hadn't been too affectionate with Mew growing up but they had been close. He deserved more than a lousy text. Ryan hadn't cared to check on him all these days and now all he did was sent a text. It just went on to prove that no one really cared about him at all. His family were just happy to get rid of him. How he was doing at this unfamiliar place, no one cares to ask him.

Gulf had gone to office like always while Mew was getting bored at home. He picked up the black card left by Gulf and decided to go shopping. He needed his clothes and other stuff. He was wondering whether he should stop by his parents house to collect his stuff. They hadn't cared to send it to him. But at the same time he didn't want to see them. After his mother had acted so cold he wasn't sure if he was welcomed there anymore. He should buy everything, it was Gulf's money after all. It would be his way of getting revenge. He ruffled through Gulf's closet looking for clothes to wear. As he went outside he was stopped by the gaurd.

"Where are you going, Sir?" Gaurd asked.


"I'll take you."

"It's fine. I can go on my own."

"I'm sorry but you're not allowed to. I'll drive you wherever you want to go."

Mew bristled, "What do you mean? I don't need you to drive me anywhere."

"Master had ordered to not let you go outside alone."

"Gulf? I don't care. I'll go anywhere if I want."

"Sorry sir but you can't."

"He can't cage me inside." He said angrily but to no avail.

He called Gulf's number but he didn't pick up. He was livid. Not only had he been forced into a marriage now he couldn't go outside without someone tailing him. Was Gulf trying to control his life? Mew decided to do as said. He let the driver escort him to the mall where he bought as much as he could. He bought random things that he won't ever use just to piss off Gulf.
He bought lots of clothes, designer stuff he never had chance to buy before. Then came shoes, he bought as many as he could. He may never get chance to wear half of them but that didn't deter him. Once he was done with shopping he carried them all to the car with the help of driver and while the man was busy putting them inside the car, Mew ran away.

He got into taxi and gave the address of a bar where he usually frequented. He wasn't actually running away, he would go back to Gulf's house eventually, he just wanted to have alone time away from prying eyes. He hadn't been out of the house since his wedding except that failed attempt at breakfast that day. More than anything else he wanted to annoy Gulf. How can he not be allowed to go out on his own? It was preposterous to him. He wouldn't compromise with his freedom, consequences be damned. He was nursing his drink when he received a call from Gulf but decided to ignore it. Gulf hadn't picked up his call earlier so why should he.

After seven continuous calls his phone was completely silent. Before Mew could comprehend anything he was roughly pulled out of his seat by none other than Gulf.

"What- how are you here?" He asked baffled.

Gulf asked evenly, "Why did you not pick up my phone?"

"Why should I?"

"Mew, I'm not in mood to play around."

Mew scoffed, "Neither am I. If I don't want to, I won't pick up your call."

"We'll talk about this when we get home."

"I'm not going anywhere. I am drinking-"

Gulf had a steely glint in his eyes, "Mew, you better do as I say or you won't like the consequences."

"Are you threatening me? What will you do?" Mew challenged him.

Gulf picked him up like a sack of potato and threw him over his shoulder as he carried him out of the bar. Mew was dumped inside the car a bit roughly, he turned towards Gulf to complain but the look on Gulf's face shut him up. He didn't understand why was Gulf being so angry right now. What was the big deal about him going to a bar? Was it because Mew hadn't done as he was told? Was he angry because Mew had defied him? Did Gulf expect him to follow orders like a subordinate? Like hell that was happening. Just because he was married to Gulf doesn't mean he was going to submit to him. He was delusional if he thought Mew was going to be a docile obedient slave.

Mew was anything but obedient. He was going to show Gulf that he had made a wrong decision by marrying him. He would go out of his way to annoy his so called husband until he got answers or a divorce. He would be happy if Gulf would just give him divorce but it also worried him a little. Where would he go if that happened? Would his parents take him back? He didn't think so. It's not like he had any savings to fall back on. He had done few part time jobs in past but had quit because of his exams last month and now he didn't have anyway to support himself. He would worry about all that later. Right now he was steeling himself to stand up to Gulf.

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