Sarge: "I think I have an idea how to fix that."

Cut to Simmons and Doc being held prisoner at Valhalla Blue base by Wash and the Meta

Everyone sat up, staring intensely at the screen.

Doc: "Hh, mm. Ow my head. Oh."

"Aww, missed opportunity for him to say, ow the front of my head." Jaune sighed.

Yang and Ren chuckled.

"What? I don't get- ohhh! That one joke from the earlier seasons." Ruby nodded.

Simmons: "Doc, you're alive. Good."

Doc: "Yeah, no thanks to you. Why'd you hit me?"

"Did he forget about Washington and the Meta?" Nora asked.

She received a shrug and a grunt from Yang.

Simmons: "I didn't hit you, they did."

Doc: "Jerks. Who're they?"

Simmons: "The dark one's Washington. He's a Freelancer."

Doc: "Great. 'Cause those guys are always such a blast to hang around with."

"What bad experience does he have with a freelancer? Have Tex and Doc ever even talked?" Weiss asked.

Blake frowned, "I don't think so, and he doesn't have much experience with Wyoming either, but he does know about how much trouble they both caused the Reds and Blues."

Weiss nodded, "That makes sense."

Simmons: "The big one, we call the Meta."

Doc: "But rumor had it those guys were disbanded. Everyone went to jail."

"Because of what the Reds and Blues did." Ruby grinned.

"And Washington, but he want to jail too." Blake grumbled, "Which is why this is happening."

Pyrrha frowned, "You can't justify his actions like that, just because he went to jail it doesn't mean-"

"I'm not justifying anything." Blake cut in, "I'm just saying that he's doing what he is because he unfairly went to jail."

Simmons: "Yeah, hwell I guess they got paroled."

Washington: "You two, quiet."

The Meta starts glitching with electric buzzing around him.

Ren hummed, "So that's why they needed someone with medical knowledge, The Meta is having some kind of problem."

Washington: "Then you need to stop trying to use all of them. You just don't have the resources any more."

"I wonder why he can understand the Meta and no one else can." Nora commented.

"Maybe it's because the Meta used to be Agent Maine, maybe he learned what the grunts meant." Blake suggested.

"That's sad, they must have been really good friends." Ruby winced.

"Or just good teammates, in Atlas many special ops teams don't see each other as friends, just great teammates." Weiss explained.

Simmons: "Meta killed a bunch of other Freelancers. Took their equipment."

"He was trying to get all the fragments together." Ren added.

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