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We all had fun just watching the game, unfortunately the Os got it handed to themselves. Nolan and I were pissed. Yelling at the tv, calling the ump names. Everyone found it amusing, it started getting late. Everyone eventually started leaving, Freddie was the last one out. Ken couldn't stay the whole time, he seemed a little annoyed. He kept shooting shooting stares at me. Ken is one of Zoey's friends now, I guess he doesn't know the full story. It's a shame she's reached to these lengths, I like Ken. He follows zoey like a puppy though. The time was about eight thirty two pm, when I realized I had to go. I changed into some of my old track shorts, and a breathable black tee.

"I'll be back." I said to Maya, nolan, and Ruby.

"You sure you don't want me to come?" Maya questioned.

"I'll be fine, I won't be long." I assured her.

I put my shoes on and jetted to my car, making my way out. I parked once I got to the address, finding a wood park table to sit at. Not too shortly after, Dane arrived. He sat across from me. Putting his keys on the table, and phone.

"I wanna start with I'm sorry Gage. Nothing I did on my part was to hurt you or, to ruin you and zoey." He started.

"I'm not worried about any of that anymore. I know it wasn't intentional, I'm more forgiving towards you then I am zoey. I know you wouldn't do it to get to me. I just wanna know the truth Dane. The whole truth, however messy or hard it is to hear." I explained, he shook his head.

"We started hanging out, the first Tuesday you left. Just watching movies with the team, board games. All the usual stuff. The team left and went home, zoey stayed a bit longer then the others. We talked about just random stuff, where we came from, favorite color, and food just irrelevant stuff to the story." He paused, playing with his fingers.

"We started hanging out every evening after work, having a glass of wine and talking. Sometimes we'd play pool or just watch tv. Other times just talk. I started to catch some feelings towards her, I felt awful about it. I told her, and I told her that I felt wrong for it. She told me she gets it, because she felt the same. That she didn't want to because she loves you, but she couldn't deny it was happening." He stopped, rubbing his face. I could tell he felt horrible about it.

"It's alright Dane, I'm just here to hear you our. I promise I won't be mad at you." I assured him.

"The second week you were gone, it was sexual tension high way. A brush of a hand or leg would happen and we would both be glowing red. It's weird cause I've never had this happen for me, I've always kept things platonic or professional. When it comes to friends and work. Then Thursday came, just her and I were alone in her apartment. We were in her bed, watching some movie I think it's called crush. She started complaining about her back hurting, I told her I'd massage it for her. Trying to be nice. Things got out of hand, a massage turned into groping, then kissing, then sex. I stayed the night. Friday morning we did it again, twice. It wasn't a one time thing. You were on your way home Friday evening, I was gathering my things to go home. Then she asked if I wanted to go out tonight, I said what about Gage? She brushed it off, so I agreed. Then nolan caught us kissing when at my apartment door. That's the full, raw, truth. I've never felt worse about loving someone, but I can't help that I love her." He finished.

"So it was more than she let on." I replied.

"That's why you wanted to know? She really didn't tell you?" She questioned.

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