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We stopped at a dinner near our dorm, Charli's stomach was growling for a few miles. I took that as a hint.we go in and get seated, I check my phone while waiting for the waitress.

Instagram notification: @ daisycafe tagged you and two others in a post.

I click the notification. It's a picture of Charli, Henry and me sitting at the table and listening to a performer on stage. The captions was, "if poetry can't bring people together, I'm not sure what can." The tags were, @ http.gage , @ chacharli and @ hg.poet

I clicked on what I assumed to be Henry's profile, revealing pictures of him and videos. I scrolled a little, then gave him a follow. I decided to screenshot the photo Daisy posted. I clicked the add a post button, and selected the picture.

Tagging Miss. Daisy, Charli, and Henry.

I captioned the photo, "the time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted." I posted the picture.

The waitress walks up to us, and we order. I see a notification on my phone again.

@ hg.poet requested to follow you.

I accept. Shortly after another notification.
@ hg.poet like your post.
And another.
@ hg.poet commented on your post.

I clicked the notification to read the comment.

@ hg.poet: "is that a poem? Looks like I'll get you on that stage sooner than I thought!"

I smiled, and began typing.

@ http.gage: "you wish, it's just a quote. Not my words lol..."

My phone buzzed again,
Instagram notification, @ thejetromero liked your post.

My heart felt tense. I put my phone down. The waitress walks up with our food.

"Here you go guys. cheese burger medium well with a side of coleslaw and salad, for the blonde. Then we have, stuffed strawberry french toast with turkey bacon for the cute dark haired mystery girl." She says, smiling ear to ear.

I blush, Charli stares at me.

"Thank you, uh Um it looks great." I manage.

She giggles and walks off.

"Dark haired mystery girl, huh?" Charli teases, while wrestling with the ketchup bottle. Just as she finished talking she squirts sauce on her shirt.

I start laughing.

"That's what you get." I joke, still laughing while trying to chew my food. She throws a napkin at me.

"Maybe it's your tattoos that make people think that." She replies, going back to her food.

"Think what?" I question, finishing a piece of bacon.

"That you're mysterious, cause come in you're an open book g." She answers, I go quiet.

She looks up at me, then puts her burger down.

"You are. Since I've known you, you've never kept anything a secret g." She says, staring at me questioning look in her face.

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