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Everyone finished their part of comp, then we all went back to the hotel. We won four out of five events. The seniors had interview to do, so they staid at the comp stadium while we all went back. They would come back later with coach chambers.

We got to our room, and I plopped on the bed.

"Gage come on we are all going to the beach, chambers gave the team permission. She said just be back by curfew." Lauren informed me.

"A nice dip late at night sounds amazing.l I agreed.

We all grabbed our bathing suits, and called an Uber. Alyssa, Lauren, Sharon, and I all got in the Uber. It was a quick drive. We all through our stuff down and took our clothes off, leaving us in our bathing suits. We bolted to the water, I stopped before getting in. They are noticed and stopped too looking at me.

"What's wrong Gage?" Alyssa asked.

"What about on the way home, our clothes will be wet. There's no way an Uber will take us home." I stated.

"Fuck I didn't think about that." Lauren replied.

"You know what, fuck it I know what to do." I said.

I undid my hair from my hair tie.

"What are you doing?" Sharon questioned.

"I'm skinny dipping." I stated, pulling my bikini top off.

"Screw it im in." Lauren said, stripping her bathing suit off as well.

The other two didn't even hesitate, we stripped and all giggled the whole time. Then the Uber of seniors pulled up. I'm not dealing with this right now. I ran into the water, the girls following me. I saw Maya's displeased face. She just stayed in the beach, watching us all splash around, not even caring about clothing. I could feel Alyssa's eyes on me, I gave Maya a quick look. She fucked with my heart, how about I fuck with hers. Without thought I snapped me gaze from Maya to Alyssa. I jumped on to her, she caught me. Her hands holding on to me on my behind. It was weird to have anyone but Maya doing this. I looked into her eyes and kissed her. No cares, just revenge. I know it's wrong but, in this moment fuck it all. I pulled away, looking back at Maya. She shook her head at me, stripping her clothes, and making a beeline for me in the water. Alyssa made her way to Lauren before Maya got to us. I just stood there, not knowing what to do. By the time she got to me, I don't think she knew what to do either.

"So it's like that huh?" She questioned, whispering in my ear. Her chest pushed against mine.

Fuck, no not now. Anything but these feelings. I just stood there. Trying to suppress my feelings and, thoughts.

"Regardless you're mine, Gage Switzerland." She said. I pulled away from her.

"you lost me the second I found out what you did Maya. Get over it." I responded, then went to swim away. She grabbed my wrist.

"You don't know the whole story. Please let me explain Gage." Maya replied. I pulled my wrist out of her grasp.

"There's no story to tell and, no time to tell it. I'm leaving Monday. Have a good life Maya." I finished, leaving her there dumbfounded.

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