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"Alright ladies, that's time good practice! I'll see you guys again next Thursday at 3pm sharp, not 3:05pm I'm looking at you gage!" Coach chambers exclaimed with a laugh at the end staring at me. I roll my eyes and smile walking to my bag.

"Better late then never coach." I joke, earning a laugh from my team mates. As I bent down to my bag.

"You say that now till your benched, with miss Romero!" Coach chambers rebuttals, pointing towards Maya Romero our champion track running.

I look over at Maya, feeling sorry for her. Well the girl has been late to every track meet of the season, as well as the fights she starts with team mates and other schools, still we can't afford not to have her run. That girl is faster then a souped up Subaru BRZ with all the bells and whistles. Just as I notice I've been staring too long, she gets up from the bench and gives me a dirty look. I look away immediately feeling embarrassed. I grab my phone out of my bag and check the time, oh shit! 4:15pm already, I rush to get my bag zipped up and stand up and feel my head bump into something hard, or more like someone. I fell back down to the ground.

"Yo what the hell! Watch it!" I heard with an angry tone. More like pissed! I grab the back of my head and stand back up, not looking at the girl and still slightly rushing to head home.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident." I apologize genuinely, slinging my bag onto my shoulder and attempting to walk to my car.

"Are you always this clumsy and annoying?" The girl said not letting it go. I turn around to the girl now noticing who I just bumped into, something in my stomach dropped. Maya Romero, great I just made track enemy number one.

"That's a little harsh, I said I was sorry. I didn't bump into you on purpose." I apologized again this time with a slightly annoyed tone in my voice.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this." She said rolling her eyes and turning to walk away.

I just scoffed and continued to my car. What the hell even was that. I unlocked my car and slid in the driver seat, placing my bag in the passenger seat. I closed the door and started the car, man I love it when the engine to this baby purrs. I shift into first and started my way home, with music playing to fill the the sound in my dark blue Miata. By the time I knew it I was at the dorm hall, I parked my car and walked inside basically darting to my dorm. I opened the door and I was instantly greeted by my roommate and her friends.

"Look who finally made it to movie night!" Charli my roommate said happily. I gave her a quick chuckle as I placed my bag on my bed and grabbed a drink from the mini fridge.

"Gage get your ass over here we've been waiting for you to get her so we can start movie night." Charli's best friend Alyssa exclaimed.

"Yes I know, I gotta get out of these sweat track close first. Did anyone order the pizza, while you guys were waiting? Also how do you always beat me to my own dorm from practice Alyssa?" I asked in a snarky tone knowing the answer to the pizza question already. I looked at the 3 girls, and smirked.

"My Uber is just faster then your Miata Gage!" Alyssa replies laughing, I just shake my head.

"Uh uh, oh wait it's Ella's turn to order it I did it last time. So Ella did you order it?" Charli asked Ella jokingly. Ella just rolled her eyes.

"You already know the answer to that question Charli, so no Gage we didn't I'll call in now so hurry your ass up and get changed!" Ella answered in a slightly joking tone. I threw my hands up in defense and, grabbed my clothes on my bed and went to the bathroom, to change into the fresh clothes.

I finished changing and threw my dirty clothes in the laundry bin and, walked back into the bedroom. I sat down in the bean bag next to Alyssa. She looks over at me and smiles I give her a smile back, she looks away back to her phone. I knew I had a slight blush on my face from her smiling at me, I brushed it off though.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked the group, while putting my blanket on to get comfortable.

"It's a toss up between the new after movie and work it, as always we were waiting on you for the tie breaker." Charli explained, clicking onto Netflix.

"I never understand how it's a tie when there's 3 of you buuuuutt, put on work it you know I have a soft spot for Sabrina carpenter. God I wish that women was gay." I said half jokingly and letting out a laugh.

"Work it, it is!! And Gage this crush on Sabrina carpenter is only going to break your heart, you know how it goes with straight girls!" Charli joked, I smiled but that last part hit too close to home. I looked at Alyssa in the corner of my eye, oh boy does that statement hit close.

"Alright guys I've gotta head to Ryan's apartment before he starts to worry, Alyssa you want a ride?" Ella asks looking at The blonde girl.

"Yeah I might as well, it's still weird to me you're dating my brother. Can you guys keep it down for once, I've got a mid term in the morning and I need my 8 hours!" Alyssa jokes giving Ella a face, we all knew exactly what she was hinting.

"Yeah yeah, no need to put me in front of everyone. Alright guys Good might see you girls later, Gage don't stay up too late stalking Sabrina carpenter! You've got a mid term too!" Ella says poking fun at me.

"Hey you'd stay up till 3am looking at he too if you understood the things that women does to me, don't remind me about the mid term I'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist." I responded crossing my arms like a 3 year old.

"That being said get home safe guy, see you later. Good night." Charli interjected with a yawn. We all said goodbye and Alyssa and Ella left.

I started cleaning up the cups and paper plates from the pizza, Charli looked over and grabbed the cups and plates from me and put them down on the table.

"Nah you need to try and get some sleep G, you've gotta get atleast a C on that English mid term to play track. Trust me I don't wanna have to hear how you got benched, with Romero because you flunked the mid term, in the subject you major in!" Charli explained walking me to my bed.

"Fine, but I reserve the right to atleast a half hour of scrolling on my phone before I go to bed mother." I mocked her jokingly.

"I'll allow it." She joked back walking to her bed to go to sleep for the night.

I did as I said I would scrolled on TikTok for about 10 minutes. Then switched to instagram, I only went on Sabrina's insta for 5 minutes I'm not that obsessed. I could feel my eyes starting to get tired, when I suddenly got a follow request on instagram. I clicked on it, the username read, @ thejetromero. There's no way this is who I think it is. I went to click the profile but it was private, I didn't want to send a follow request back but now I'm curious. I shook the idea out of my head what am I doing, I didn't accept the request but I also didn't decline it either I turned my phone off and closed my eyes, maybe I'm just seeing shit. I fell asleep almost instantly.

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