Panic began to set in. His thoughts clouded as the pain started increasing. His whole chest hurt. His family was gone... His fiancé was at camp... Thalia is under Artemis' command... Hopefully she will help... Nico in the underworld... Zeus had overreacted... possibly lied to... or maybe this is what the god truly thought of the young demigod... Percy didn't know.

All he knew now was he needed to find a place to lay low until something changed. But he couldn't move. 'How could they...Why... I would never...'

He was loyal to his family. Loyal to his friends. He couldn't save his father from Zeus's anger. And now he was forever separated from him. From camp... from Annabeth... he couldn't return... couldn't get through the border because he was no longer a son of Poseidon. He was no longer considered a demigod.

The tightness in his chest increased. His breathing came quicker. Tears streamed down his face. 'What do I do?!' he thought. 'Where do I go?'

The pain was becoming unbearable as he screamed in agony, gripping at his chest.

'Breathe Percy, breathe...' he told himself. But his vision was beginning to tunnel, and he couldn't find the strength to move.

There was a flash and he thought Zeus had already found him. He tried to stand to run but fell back down. A gentle hand touched his shoulder. Percy flinched back, looking up at the figure.

"Perseus you must listen to me and listen carefully." The figure said. "My name is Chaos. I am the creator of the universe and galaxies far beyond this one. Your body is tearing itself apart without your father's DNA. I have an army of warriors that travel the universe to save those in need. I know you don't know me but let me save you. Let me adopt you as my own. My blessing alone will not be enough... I wouldn't ask this of you, but I cannot watch a hero such as yourself die from this."

Percy couldn't think straight. He heard what this person was saying but it was hard to understand. "I-I can't leave them..." he managed to say. "I can't leave my family behind."

Chaos just gripped his shoulder tighter. "Percy, you won't be able to help them in this state. You won't make it in this shape much longer. Unless another god shows up right now and adopts you; you will die."

"S-so you are willing.... to take me in as your... your son?... To keep me from dying?" He coughed up blood. He speech slurring slightly as his soul began to unravel. "You don't even know me?... I don't know who you are..."

Fear filled the son of Poseidon's eyes as the pain only increased more. Chaos' eyes, dark as night and filled with glittering stars, locked with the boys. Concern and truth shining through.

"Yes. I may not know you well young hero, but I have someone in my army who has told me stories of your victories. I would be honored to have you as my son if you would allow me to. We can get to know each other later but right now you need to decide."

All he could do was nod weakly as he tried to hold back another scream from the pain coursing his veins.

"Okay, hang in there. This is going to ease the pain but then hurt like hades." Chaos said, placing his hand on Percy's chest, over his heart.

"I Chaos, take Perseus Jackson, to be my son; the heir to the creator of the universe, second only to me. His blood will be of my blood, my family will be his family, my warriors as his warriors, and his abilities as my abilities. I give him the blessing of Creation."

Thunder rumbled and the ground shook slightly as power surged forth from the creator and into Percy. Color began to return slightly to his face but then his eyes shot open.

Percy could feel fire coursing through his veins as the power of Chaos filled him. Pain spread as his blood changed into that of Chaos', yet just shy of immortality. His soul didn't feel like it was unraveling anymore but his whole body was on fire.

Chaos held his shoulders slightly as Percy slumped forward more, trying to give the boy strength to endure. He had never given anyone his blessing as well as adopted them. It was a lot of power to take in and maybe the boy wasn't strong enough to handle it all at once. 'Maybe I have doomed him even more...' Chaos thought.

When the pain began to subside a little in Percy's body it only intensified in his back, right behind his shoulder blades. He didn't know what was happening, but he felt comforted by Chaos kneeling beside him when he peeled his eyes open slightly.

Percy noticed a shadow fall on them. He was worried maybe someone was behind them but then he caught sight of black feathers off to his side. Something had changed. He felt something new that he didn't have before becoming a part of his being. Wings. Large black wings spread from his back. He almost passed out right then and there.

'What the heck!' Percy thought as the pain lightened even more.

Chaos seemed to take notice of what Percy was thinking. "Those are what a few select warriors receive when I bless them with the blessing of Chaos. I haven't had a warrior with wings in many centuries." As Chaos spoke, he could see Percy's strength begin to fade. His black wings relaxed and started to go limp.

"You will be okay Percy, rest. I have you now."

Percy's mind began to quiet as he felt Chaos scoop him up in his arms. There was nothing he could do about his home now. He would have to wait until he could return. 'I'll be back Annabeth. Don't forget about me...' was his last thought before unconsciousness found him.

Chaos held the boy in his arms for a moment before creating a portal back to his home, mindful of how his wings almost touched the ground. This was not how he planned the day to go, yet the thought of having a son pleased him. It was something he knew his heart had always desired to have. He smiled gently at the boy in his arms. His mind and body would need time to heal.

"Well, let'sjust take one day at a time." Chaos whispered as he stepped through theportal.

Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos - Loyalty and FamilyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ