The Aftermath of Eating Rocks

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The princess got a faraway look in her eyes. "Well, now ... The price is always tricky. I love helping people. Honestly, I do. And I always keep my bargains, but sometimes people try to cheat me." Her gaze drifted to Jason.

"Once, for instance, I met a handsome young man who wanted a treasure from my father's kingdom. We made a bargain, and I promised to help him steal it." "From your own dad?" Jason still looked half in a trance, but the idea seemed to bother him.

"Oh, don't worry," the princess said. "I demanded a high price. The young man had to take me away with him. He was quite good-looking, dashing, strong ..." She looked at Piper. "I'm sure, my dear, you understand how one might be attracted to such a hero, and want to help him."

Piper tried to control her emotions, but she probably blushed. She got the creepiest feeling the princess could read her thoughts. She also found the princess's story disturbingly familiar. Pieces of old myths she'd read with her dad started coming together, but this woman couldn't be the one she was thinking of.

"At any rate," Her Highness continued, "my hero had to do many impossible tasks, and I'm not bragging when I say he couldn't have done them without me. I betrayed my own family to win the hero his prize. And still he cheated me of my payment."

"Cheated?" Jason frowned, as if trying to remember something important. "That's messed up," Leo said. Her Highness patted his cheek affectionately. "I'm sure you don't need to worry, Leo. You seem honest. You would always pay a fair price, wouldn't you?"

Leo nodded. "What were we buying again? I'll take two." Piper broke in: "So, the vial, Your Highness—how much?" The princess assessed Piper's clothes, her face, her posture, as if putting a price tag on one slightly used demigod.

"Would you give anything for it, my dear?" the princess asked. "I sense that you would." The words washed over Piper as powerfully as a good surfing wave. The force of the suggestion nearly lifted her off her feet. She wanted to pay any price. She wanted to say yes.

Then her stomach twisted. Piper realized she was being charmspoken. She'd sensed something like it before, when Drew spoke at the campfire, but this was a thousand times more potent. No wonder her friends were dazed.

Was this was what people felt when Piper used charmspeak? A feeling of guilt settled over her. She summoned all her willpower. "No, I won't pay any price. But a fair price, maybe. After that, we need to leave. Right, guys?"

Just for a moment, her words seemed to have some effect. The boys looked confused. "Leave?" Jason said. "You mean ... after shopping?" Leo asked. Piper wanted to scream, but the princess tilted her head, examining Piper with newfound respect.

"Impressive," the princess said. "Not many people could resist my suggestions. Are you a child of Aphrodite, my dear? Ah, yes—I should have seen it. No matter. Perhaps we should shop a while longer before you decide what to buy, eh?"

"But the vial—" "Now, boys." She turned to Jason and Leo. The man elbowed her in the ribs while her highness turned her back, they made eye contact, and he said under his breath, "Keep doing that. Break her rhythm. Don't let her charm settle."

"Get her to give conflicting orders, stronger the better, it helps. Can't be charmed if you're too confused" Piper frowned at him, and under her breath said "What are you going to do!" "Play along" He winked, her nostrils flared, she wanted to shout at him, "How is that any help?" or "Why do I have to do it?"

Then she thought, "Can I even do it?" She thought about her highness, and the way she seemed to ooze power. Her voice was so much more powerful than Piper's, so full of confidence, Piper didn't stand a chance.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ