« You're way more beautiful than I am, love~ »

Emma chuckled before giving him a kiss on the nose.

« I say, we go eat something. I'm hungry. »

It was Norman's turn to let out a chuckle.

« That's a good idea. »


Emma was surprised when the waitress that welcomed them said "Bonjour. Hi". She knew that everyone here was talking French and that some of them were talking English. She wasn't expecting people to greet them in both languages. Her surprise must've shown on her face since Norman let out a chuckle as he answered the waitress. In French. So Emma didn't understand but she guessed he asked for a table for two. Since that's normally what you do when you come to a restaurant. Right?

When they were both seated and had their menu, Emma was even more surprised to see that it was all written in both English and French.

« That's awesome. »

Norman heard her whisper, making him chuckle. Emma raised her gaze from her menu to look at him.

« You'll notice that everyone is greeting us like that when we'll enter a place. It's because Montreal is a bilingual city. You'll see that we have high chances to meet people talking English too, not just French. Or any other languages. »

If Emma's eyes were full of stars before, they were now galaxies.

« For real?! That's so cool! »

Their food arrived and they ate while laughing together. They went back to the hotel right after to go sleep since it was quite late and they were both tired.


The next day, they went to the old port. They had taken the subway since it was a bit far from their hotel. As they walked towards the old port, Norman couldn't help but to chuckle at Emma's amazement. He was finding it cute how she would get excited over nothing.

Norman knew that town pretty well, since he was born there and lived there. Even if it's technically been years since he last came to Montreal, he still remembered the city like he had never left it.

They got out of the subway and walked toward the old port's direction. They passed in front of Chapel Notre-Dame-De-Bonsecours. They passed beside market Bonsecours to finally join the water's edge.

Emma ran to the sidewalk and leaned on the barrier as her eyes widened in amazement once again. Norman came to her side and took her hand to bring her closer to the buildings further.

Her eyes widened even more, if that's even possible, when she heard a weird sound. Norman followed her when she ran to the giant dinosaur standing in front of a big white building. He heard her laugh when the animatronic moved.

« There's a dinosaur! Why is it here? »

Norman stopped beside her and looked up at the dinosaur. He looked behind him at the building before looking back in front of him.

« That building behind us is le Centre des Sciences. Or science center, if you prefer. They have an exposition about dinosaurs right now. »

« That's so cool! »

They stayed there for a little while before continuing their walk. Emma had insisted to take a selfie with the dinosaur that they sent to Ray. The raven boy only sent them a thumbs up as a response.

They walked around town, stopping at some small cafe to go eat, until it was the evening. Norman could see how excited Emma still was, but he could also see how tired she was becoming.

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