Ratri & remembering

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Note: I was at that stage where I was writing, but had no idea of what to do so the story could continue and make sens. I already knew how to end it, but just not how to go there, you know

Note (from ao3): Heyo!

I am back with a new chapter!

I honestly don't really know where I'm going with this story. Well, I know how I want it to end, I just don't really know how to get there.

But yeah


Emma greeted everyone as soon as she entered the kitchens of the bakery. Everyone greeted her back. She went to the office to drop her stuff before going to the kitchen and start working. It was still a bakery, but it kind of also became a small cafe as well.

After making some pastries and drinks for a while, Emma went to take her break. It was her lunch time. She had skipped her break like most of the time when she was working alone, whitout Norman or Ray.

She was eating the lunch Norman had made for her in the office when one of the employee came to find her.

« Miss Emma. Someone wish to speak with you. »

Emma frowned as she swallowed her food.

« Tell them I'll be there in a sec'. »

The employee nodded before leaving. She let her food aside and went to the front. She immediately felt anger when her eyes landed on the man waiting for her.

« I thought we had made it clear that we didn't want you to come back here, Peter. »

The girl already hated the mischievous grin the man was wearing.

« You know why I'm here, Emma. »

Emma crossed her arms. She didn't really mind the customers and the other employees at the moment. She just wanted Peter to leave.

« Yes, I know. That's why I'll remind you of where the exit is, in case you forgot. »

« I know where it is. »

« Then go. »

Customers and employees could feel the tension between the two.

« You know we don't want to sell you the bakery. It's ours, not yours. And it will never be yours. Just keep that in mind. »

Emma leaned on the counter and whispered so the man could be the only to hear her.

« We might not be in the demon world anymore, but just know that if I ever see you again, you won't be the one to kill yourself this time. We will make sure that you won't be able to bother anyone anymore. Understood? And don't even think about bothering Norman anymore too. »

Peter let out a menacing chuckle.

« I see you haven't changed at all. Still the same annoying brat as before. And I guess my nephew and your friend are still the same too. How annoying. »

Peter leaned closer to her, also whispering so she would be the only one to hear.

« Just know, that I have many ways that I could get rid of you, annoying cattles. If you thought about calling the police, don't bother. They won't be able to do anything. For you at least. So watch out. Especially if you care about that nephew of mine. »

Emma felt a shiver of fear go through her spine. Peter backed away, looking down on her. Emma raised to be able to look at him right in the eyes. The man let out a scoff before turning around and leave. A silence fell upon the bakery. The ginger-haired girl looked around to see that everyone, customers and employees, were looking at her.

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