Christmas and New Years

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Note: I still really like this chapter! Not my fave anymore but still one that I really like

I Hope you will like it too!

Note (from ao3): This has to be one of my fav chapter so far!


Christmas. Emma love Christmas. She love to celebrate it with her family. But this year, it would be different.

With Norman and the others, they had decided to celebrate it together. It was her and Norman that would receive them at their apartment. Of course, they would still celebrate it with their family, but after.

She was so excited that she wouldn't stop talking about it.

Norman was out to go grocery shopping, so she was all alone at the moment. She was sitting at the table, making a gift list that she wanted to give to her friends.

« We'll need a tree! And so much decorations! »

She had a lot to plan, but she was determined to make the best Christmas they ever had.


When Norman got back from the grocery store with all of the bags, Emma came to help him. He immediately noticed the excitement of the girl.

« Emma, what's going on? »

« Christmas! »

He tiled his head, a smile on his lips.

« It's almost Christmas and we didn't even decorated yet! Plus, I don't have any gift to give yet! »

He let out a chuckle.

« Don't worry, Emma. We still got time. For the decorations, we have a box somewhere with some. And as for the gifts, we could go next weekend. »

« Where's that box?! »

He showed the box to her and, once in the living room of the apartment, they passed the rest of the day decorating it.

While they were eating, they discussed which gift they would give to their friends. They also agreed that they would not give each other a gift.

They went to bed right after that.


« Norman! Wake uuuuup! »

Norman slowly opened his eyes. When they were fully open, they widened once he noticed how close to his face Emma was. She was on top of him, a huge smile on her lips and her eyes full of excitement. He felt like his cheeks were on fire right now.

« Ah! E-Emma!? »

Noticing how red he was, Emma put her hand on his forehead.

« Norman! Are you okay? You're all red! Do you feel alright? We can stay home if you don't feel good. »

She backed away, letting him sit.

« Ah! I'm okay! Don't worry! Just, got surprised! That's all! Haha! We can still go! »

« Okay! If you say so. I'll go make breakfast while you change! »

And she left.

Norman went to join her a short time after.


Once at the mall, they went from shop to shop.

They found a cute summer light-blue birdy dress for Anna (that's how Emma call the dress), a red hoodie with a tiger on it for Don, a book called "The mechanical engineering and human history" for Ray and butterflie earrings for Gilda.

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